Is The Senate Going To Support Minnesota’s Adult Use Cannabis Bill?

A new cannabis bill is getting ready for a House floor vote this week to legalize marijuana in Minnesota. Also, the sponsor of this new cannabis proposal is hopeful it will be approved by the full legislature. However, the only true concern is if the GOP-controlled Senate would just allow a vote on it. Political figures such as House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler and other lawmakers are responsible for filing this cannabis bill that my legalize marijuana in Minnesota.

Furthermore, this bill has made its way through a dozen committees since February. Measures from this bill consist of those who are 21 years and up can buy and possess up an ounce and a half of flower. As well you would be able to grow 8 plants 4 of which you can harvest. Even with this bill making its way past 12 House panels, there are some worries about what will happen if the bill makes it to the Senate. Yet House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler stated in an interview over this past weekend that, if the Republican leadership in the chamber give it a vote, “it absolutely could pass.”

“Support for legalizing cannabis for recreational or personal use, making sure that we have a safe, regulated marketplace, that we are expunging criminal records for people who’ve been unfairly targeted for law enforcement reasons for cannabis in the past, making sure that we’re creating a marketplace that reflects Minnesota’s values—all those things are our priorities in this bill, and they are priorities for Minnesotans of all political persuasions,” Winkler said.

Legalizing Cannabis In Minnesota Is In The Hands Of Politicians

Whether this cannabis bill will make its way through the Republican-led Senate if it advances through the House is a big concern for the state. The leader said it “absolutely could pass,” calling public polling on the matter and the fact that South Dakota voters approved a legalization initiative last year.

“It cuts across both parties,” Winkler said. “I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t pass both houses if the vote can come up in the Senate.”

Still, one stipulation of the proposal that the leader isn’t willing to move on concerns expungements for people with previous marijuana crimes.

He said in a tweet on Monday that “expunging existing cannabis offenses is a non-negotiable piece of our legalization bill,” and that “is an economic and criminal justice issue.”

Currently backing for this bill from the Republican party continues be unknown in both sides of the chamber. This piece of legislation has gained the support of several GOP members as its moved through an extensive committee process. That’s in addition to Republicans indicating that they would rather overhaul Minnesota’s current medical marijuana program. This is what Republicans rather focus on versus legalizing the adult use of cannabis.

However, a GOP member of the House Taxes Committee displayed that he feels a revision he proposed help to gain support from the Republican party. This same member also approved the broader legalization bill this past week. That amendment which came from Rep. Pat Garofolo will put the leftover marijuana revenue in a tax relief account. This would be done after implementation costs are covered and substance misuse treatment and prevention programs are funded.

Minnesota Legalizing The Adult Use Of Cannabis May Happen In 2021

The petition of committees that this cannabis measure has survived makes it possibly the most thoroughly vetted bill move through state lawmakers. Also, this means that a good amount of the House has now had an opportunity to look over the revisions. Next would be to vote on this bill as it makes its way to the House floor. Hopefully, this helps to put the odds in favor of passing in the chamber.

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Ryan Winkler’s bill as introduced was the same measure he filed back in 2020. Also, his past bill came with some small but particular differences. Winkler also started a statewide listening to assemble the public for input ahead of the measure’s introduction. He named it the “best legalization bill in the country” during this time. Yet his proposal did not pass during that session, unfortunately.

With this new cannabis bill, social equity would be prioritized as a focus point, Furthermore, this proposal would secure various licensing and prevent the market from being consumed by big corporations. Also, past marijuana records would be automatically erased.

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Final Thoughts On Minnesota Legalizing The Adult Use Of Cannabis

On-site consumption and cannabis delivery services would be sanctioned under the bill. Plus local law enforcement would not be allowed to prohibit marijuana businesses from operating in their areas.

A 10 percent tax would be added to the sale of retail marijuana products. A portion of the money that is generated would pay for a grant program. This grant program was created to advance economic development and community stability. Next, this new adult-use bill also will need a team of 7 people to run the Cannabis Management Board. This job would take on the responsibility of regulating the market. As well as distributing cannabis business licenses. Additionally, it was also amended in committee to find members to the board who experience with social justice. So with much progress is set in motion if this bill passes cannabis retails sales would start right before 2023.

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