You Might Not Be Familiar With These Marijuana Stocks To Watch

The future of the cannabis industry depends on several factors. The most important factor for pot stocks to see success is legislation. In North America, we have seen the most progressive laws for marijuana stocks when compared to the rest of the world. And while cannabis is legal nationwide in Canada, in the U.S. it is not. And this has made it very difficult for marijuana stocks to succeed in this market. Although the states have done as much as they can to allow cannabis, the federal illegality of marijuana has presented some big challenges. The next factor for success amongst pot stocks depends on the public.

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So far, we have seen massive popularity for marijuana when the greater public has been asked about it. Because of this, many believe that the future of the cannabis industry will be much larger than the present. Studies have continued to show that there will be a great deal of growth in the coming years. But, finding a pot stock to watch that will benefit from this, can involve some thorough research. With that in mind, here are two leading marijuana stocks to watch that could benefit from the future of the cannabis industry.

A Marijuana Stock With a Lot to Gain

GW Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:GWPH) is one of the most prominent pharmaceutical pot stocks in the cannabis industry. GWPH stock has made a name for itself as a producer of some of the most life-changing cannabis-infused pharmaceuticals in the market. It’s main drug known as Epidiolex, has become the backbone for GWPH stocks recent success. Currently, there are several studies going that could help to illustrate that Epidiolex has more potential than previously thought. This would be a major breakthrough for the company, and a big benefit to GWPH stock. But, again a lot of the company’s success rides on legislative changes.

GWPH stock

It is a difficult task getting pharmaceuticals legalized, let alone ones that contain cannabis. But, the company has shown a solid track record for doing so which should help with future endeavors. As an alternative pot stock to watch, GWPH stock shows a great deal of stability for the future of cannabis. With this, it remains one of the most prominent marijuana stocks to watch in the industry.

A Company That is Not Fully Considered a Marijuana Stock

Constellation Brands Inc. (NYSE:STZ) has a lot going for it outside of the cannabis industry. Although STZ stock is not a marijuana stock by trade, it’s investments add it to the list of pot stocks to watch. Currently, STZ stock has a market cap north of $36 billion which makes it a very large company. With this, we know that there is some stability in the future of its business. A few years ago, STZ stock became a marijuana stock to watch after the company invested around $4 billion into Canopy Growth Corp. (NYSE:CGC). stz stock

With this, it gained a 37% stake in the company as well as a large foothold in the cannabis industry. One analyst stated that “Constellation remains an operating company that we know and love with premium growth, high returns and fantastic cash generation, as well as a private equity investor in Canopy Growth.” With its original business of selling alcohol doing quite well, Constellation could benefit greatly from the future of the cannabis industry. For this reason, it remains one of the leading non-pot pot stocks to watch.

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