When Will Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Push For Federal Cannabis Reform?

In a recent report Vice President, Kamala harris has come forth to address the concern of federally legalizing cannabis. Harris went on to say that Bidens administration is not making federal cannabis reform an imidate priority. Even though federally legalizing cannabis was one of her many campaign promises it has yet to happen a bigger focus is set on helping those in crisis from the coronavirus pandemic.

Vice President Harris had an interview with The San Francisco Chronicle and was asked about her stance on cannabis policy and stated “we haven’t yet taken that on”. Despite the campaign, pledges to act on better reform like decriminalization and expunging prior marijuana records.

“Honestly, right now, we’ve been focused on getting people food, helping them stay in their apartments or in their homes, getting kids back to school, getting shots into arms,” she said. “That has been all-consuming.”

This recent discussion on the matter is the first time that anybody from the Biden Administration has openly spoken about anything marijuana-related since back in November. However, now that the administration has made the pandemic the big focus Biden has also been helping to fix an array of other issues. For example, the president is working to help with many other campaign pledges as well. Furthermore, it seems as if federal cannabis reform has now become less of a priority.

Those who are in support of marijuana reform have stated that cannabis policy and coronavirus relief are not mutually exclusive. For instance, federally legalizing marijuana would allow more states to initiate tax and regulation systems for cannabis. In addition with more states going legal on top of ending marijuana prohibition more jobs would be created for those in need of work. Not to mention higher revenue which can help with economic recovery.

Back in 2020 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stood in defense of the House Democrats. This was done because the House added language into COVID a package that would defend banks who work with cannabis businesses. Due to cannabis still being federally illegal banks can be penalized for serving the cannabis industry. Nancy Pelosi went on to say cannabis “is a therapy that has proven successful.” Mj Stocks Biden

As well by being able to protect banks that take on legal cannabis clients it would allow for marijuana businesses to access the banking system. Which essentially means they would have a safe place to keep their money in what is currently an all-cash business. Also with relying on an all-cash setup it makes people more susceptible to catch covid.

Ending cannabis prohibition would all lower the number of unwarranted police altercations. Which can also lead to spreading the covid even more.
Yet even with this logic, the Vice Presidents’ recent remarks on the matter display that cannabis reform is not an immediate concern.

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Will Bidens Administration Take Cannabis Reform More Serious?

Moving forward it seems that the president’s stance on the adult use of cannabis is still the same. Not long ago the press secretary of the White House shed some thoughts on the subject. Jen Psaki said The Biden Administration has encountered issues after staffers of the White House were fired or reprimanded for previous cannabis use.

Currently, it seems as Vice President has taken on the same stance for cannabis as Joe Biden. Now at one point, Harris did sponsor a comprehensive legalization bill during her time in the Senate. However, since taken her role as Vice President she has grown quiet on the subject. She also made a bit of a switch in her approach going from legalization to decriminalizing in midst of her campaign. All in all the new administration allowing cannabis reform to take a back seat has advocates upset.

Kamala Harris

Yet with the White House not taking action at the current time Congress is working to establish federal cannabis reform. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is stepping up and taking action to see that federal cannabis reform becomes a reality. Once Chuck Schumer heard the administration’s stance on cannabis he said he will do it with or without them. Also, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler has set a goal to reintroduce the MORE Act, as well.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
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