
On March 31st, we had the privilege of moderating an investor conference call with OXIS CEO Tony Cataldo.  Below are what we believe are the 5 key points to take away from the call along with a recording of the entire call for your listening pleasure.


  1. Possible up listing to the NASDAQ this year.

This seemed to be the overwhelming theme of the call as Mr. Cataldo mentioned several times his goal of up listing to the NASDAQ this year. He recognized certain things that needed to be done first, obviously, but said he is confident that this could happen this year. He was very clear in stating that he is aggressively moving forward toward achieving this goal.

  1. Institutional Interest & Support

As we expected, Mr. Cataldo confirmed that he is receiving high institutional interest. With the overwhelming success of his previous biotech company, we foresaw this happening with OXIS. He openly said there have been both high net worth individuals and institutions that already offered him money. This goes hand-in-hand with the possible NASDAQ up listing as there are no limitations on institutional involvement of a main listed company. He specifically said he has been in talks with two groups and is working on a registered direct and institutional raise to couple with a NASDAQ up listing. A large institutional raise would be a game changer for OXIS in addition to possibly sparking analyst coverage.

  1. T-Cell Therapies

Mr. Cataldo has a lot of experience with T-Cell therapies and was quoted saying he loves them. T-Cells were the basis for his success with LBIO and he is now bringing them to OXIS. But what is T-Cell therapy and what does it mean for OXIS?

Well, OXIS is now also developing bispecific immune cell engagers, a class of monoclonal antibodies that direct a person’s immune system to attack cancer cells.  More specifically, bispecific immune cell engagers consist of the part of the monoclonal antibody which recognizes an immune cell such as a cytotoxic T-cell, and the part of a different monoclonal antibody which recognizes the cancer cell.  When administered as a therapeutic, the bispecific immune cell engager brings cytotoxic T-cells in contact with the target cancer cell where the cytotoxic T-cell kills the cancer cell.

This technique could work wonders for OXIS’ Myeloma and Triple Negative Breast Cancer drug treatments. But it’s Cataldo and his team’s experience and past success with T-Cells at Lion that has us most excited about this development.

  1. Something is Coming

There were several times throughout the call that Mr. Cataldo said things along the lines of, “I cannot talk too much about that at this time,” and, “We will be updating investors through an 8K and press release,” which to us sounds like a very confident CEO that has something up his sleeve. When asked to elaborate on certain topics like updated drug data and T-Cell therapies, Mr. Cataldo casually said to watch for an 8K and press release. However, he made one comment that really resonated with us. When touching on their T-Cell therapies, he made mention of new data that he feels will be valued similar to KITE ($2.5B Market Cap) and JUNO ($5.5B Market Cap). These are two NASDAQ listed biotech companies with incredible market caps.

We all really wished to get more information out of him but legally he was not able to discuss certain things that have not yet been made public or perhaps aren’t finalized. We don’t know if it will be one announcement or several, but we certainly will have our eyes peeled to the newswire.

  1. A Winning Formula

Mr. Cataldo has had tremendous success in the public biotech space. He founded a company called Genesis Biopharma and later merged it with Lion Biopharma to trade under ticker symbol LBIO. Genesis was once an OTC company with a measly $2Million market cap but now, under the new name of Lion Biopharma, trades on the NASDAQ and sports an impressive $540Million market cap. Although Cataldo has since moved on from LBIO, all of the original data and structure he developed and implemented nearly 5 years ago are still in place. He said, “If it isn’t broke, don’t try to fix it,” when asked if he is implementing the same strategy in OXIS as he did in LBIO. He said he is literally replicating the model.

With LBIO, Mr. Cataldo was able to successfully acquire high-quality drug data and licensing rights from the world’s top scientists even when big pharma giants like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson wanted them. And he was able to do this by putting together a beyond rock solid all-star management team and scientific advisory board that brought value to the table and were able to execute, plain and simple.

Well, now Cataldo is doing the exact same thing with OXIS as he has brought on several of the same scientists and key personnel that developed Genesis and Lion. Their strategy has proven to be successful and the team has proven that they are more than capable of taking a small OTC biotech company and turning it into a fully listed NASDAQ.


MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
1 comment
  1. I was actually on the call and took away the same highlights. It definitelyyyy seemed like Cataldo has something up his sleeve. He kept side stepping certain questions saying he could not discuss topics in too much detail legally at that time but to watch for 8Ks and press releases. I think something big is coming.

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