An increasing amount of states are deciding whether to legalize cannabis to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, however, for numerous veterans, the argument has already stopped. They are using marijuana more and more although it is illegal in most states and is not approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs since major studies have not indicated that it is effective against PTSD.

Although it is true that the research has not been very revealing, some veterans state that cannabis helps them work through their anxiety, dreams, and insomnia. Other drugs, such as Klonopin and Zoloft, they say, are not as effective or did not feel very good to them.

“I went from being an anxious mess to numbing myself with the pills they were giving me,” said a 39-year-old former Marine, Mike Whiter, who lives in Philadelphia, where cannabis is not legal. “Cannabis helped me get out of the hole I was in. I started to talk to people and get over my social anxiety.”

Others, however, have seen little profit from the medication. Furthermore, the VA has archived an alarming ascent in the quantity of PTSD-burdened veterans who have become addicted to cannabis, which few specialists say can hinder recuperation from a war injury.

Sally Schindel, of Prescott, Arizona, said the VA determined her child Andy Zorn to have PTSD after he served in the Armed force in Iraq. The office later determined him to have pot reliance and additionally melancholy and bipolar issue, she said. Schindel said her child was utilizing weed not for entertainment but rather as self-drug, especially to offer him some assistance with sleeping. He slaughtered himself at age 31 in 2014, writing in his suicide that “marijuana killed my soul & ruined my brain.”

“He told me he found it much harder to quit than he thought it would be,” Schindel stated. “He’d buy it and smoke it and then flush the rest of it. The next day he bought it again.”

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
  1. Maybe if it was legal for vets with PTSD – of which I am one rated at 50% – and prescribed and monitored – then maybe we would see less of the negatives of pot use for treatment like in Andy’s case (tragic case). But, I bet if Andy was here – there was more to it than pot ruining his soul and brain. He might have just felt guilty about using pot illegally and did not know where else to turn. However, if he was being monitored and getting doses that were right for him – all of this could have been avoid and he could have lived a somewhat normal life.

  2. Racial profiling as it relates to drug’s particularly Marijuana is a misnomer , it is economic and social you will find similar statistics on other minorities. Caucasian deal within a closed circle and in a larger quantity for personal use. Minorities may buy same amount but by breaking it into smaller units at an increase price over 100%. It makes sense that a group that has a higher unemployment rate will take greater risk. Richard Nixon declared the war on drugs and specifically Marijuana which he saw as a reason for a failed war policy and protests against the war always smoked “dope”. That’s why it’s a schedule I drug and cocaine and heroin schedule II . The claim of no medical use was the reason to make it the demon. In the beginning all the DEA looked at was Marijuana. Our war on drugs and the DEA created the cartels by default which was the same as Prohibition.

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