“Legalization or bust”

is the mantra of marijuana advocates everywhere, but it’s not an ideal benchmark. Nor should it be set as the only benchmark. People become discouraged when marijuana legalization is set as a sole benchmark because it seems so far away.

Instead we need to celebrate every small win as a massive victory. After all winning anything against ‘The Man’ is an accomplishment. Some are huge wins (Colorado legalization) and others are not so big, but a win is a win.

I’ve been involved in the long march towards legalization for a decade and setting small benchmarks has kept me going.  Recently Toronto police chief Bill Blair suggested regulation is a policy worth examining – that’s a huge marker, a feather in advocates’ hat, a day worth remembering.

A better 4/20 Smoke Out than the previous year is a benchmark our advocate group Toronto Hash Mob set every year. Our 2015 rally already has us thinking of incredible ideas (requiring sponsorship btw).

Stoner voters in Florida shouldn’t feel any less proud of their efforts than Alaska or District of Columbia or Oregon. Florida med pot supporters need a 60% victory, which is a challenge when you consider the victors for public office may have much less than 60% in their win column.

I forgot to mention medical ganja is on the ballot in Guam and California voters have an opportunity to move the prohibition ball a little to at the polls too. There’s no reason for the cannabis voter not to lineup at the polls Tuesday.

Every state has a different toker tolerance and catering to the tastes of a community is critical to gaining any movement. Recognize this by setting appropriate benchmarks.

On a local level we see this happening with eleven decrim ballot measures happening in Michigan. In total there are amazing seventy-four municipal or county votes happening Tuesday – which is being billed as The Marijuana Midterms.

The best and most probable outcome is 2 for 4 in the big statewide votes and at least half the cities in Michigan will most likely vote decrim.

By setting  benchmarks well in advance for Tuesday’s midterm vote you won’t get caught up in post Marijuana Midterm hype or letdown.

How are the markets going to react to The Marijuana Midterms?

It’s hard to predict;

  • Are Alaskans going to have a much bigger demand for indoor grow equipment because they are legally allowed to grow their own?
  • Are Florida seniors going to buy  more vaporizers because they can now legally medicate with cannabis?
  • Will vintage cannabis collectibles become more sought after by Portlandia residents because Oregon legalizes?
  • Will Congress allow District of Columbia to even legalize?

People who have already set benchmarks for their portfolio have nothing to worry, but people knee jerk reacting to marijuana voting news do.

I remember when just having a measure on a ballot was a huge benchmark  that I wouldn’t put too much stock into Wednesday morning marijuana ballot quarterbacking.


MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
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