There are no arguments stating that researchers have not experimented enough with the effects that cannabis has on both health and society. Just by searching the word “marijuana” on the National Library of Medicine database shows that there are more than 23,000 peer-reviewed papers looking specifically at the cannabis plant. Also, new scientific data is being published nearly every day, and most of them go against the federal government’s claim that the drug is dangerous and has no medical implications. For instance, here are some cannabis studies that go against the classic myths.

Unlike what most people have likely heard, some people reported to be having bad experiences health-wise with cannabis is falling. That is what a new report published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry suggests. Researchers at the Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis tested trends in cannabis use and the amount of disorders related to the drug from the years 2002 to 2013. Scientists discovered that a number of adults who use cannabis when up by almost twenty percent, but the amount of cannabis-related issues actually fell at this point.

“We’re certainly seeing some increases in marijuana use,” says the lead researcher of the study. “But our survey didn’t notice any increase in marijuana-related problems. Certainly, some people are having problems so we should remain vigilant, but the sky is not falling.”

Other data indicators of cannabis use by young people also show that the amount of high-schoolers using cannabis have fallen much more over the last fifteen years. These findings go against a published paper in 2015 which claims that the use cannabis has doubled over the last ten years and that almost a third of those consuming the drug experience health issues. Of course, while this story was publicized by many outlets, only a few reported the contradicting data.

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