Following up from the previous article, Another Win For Marijuana Stocks: Farm Bill Passes House & Moves Onto The President, President Donald Trump officially signed the 2018 US Farm Bill into law at 4:01pm on Thursday, December 20th. The new bill will officially make industrial hemp land hemp-based CBD legal across all 50 states effective in January.

This marks another major milestone and a fundamental win in favor of cannabis market and, as a result, could create a favorable environment for marijuana stocks. This opens the door to a whole new revenue stream and a market for marijuana companies, which is forecast to hit $22 billion in the next four years, according to the Brightfield Group.

Connecting The Dots: One Company That Could Have A Leg Up On Marijuana Market Leaders

Now, onto the next question. Will legalizing hemp pave the way to a future federal legalization of marijuana? Currently, thirty-three states have legalized medical marijuana, while ten states and D.C have legalized it for recreational purposes.

Although we are unable to peer into a crystal ball, things seem to be moving along in the right direction. Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more news and other breaking stories from

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