One of the founding patient members of a major cannabis advocacy group, Dennis Hunter, was incarcerated and charged with a felony for making a controlled substance by using chemicals, made illegal to stop meth labs. Hunter has been put on a $5-million-dollar bond in Sonoma County jail. The advocacy group, the people backing the group, and other similar local groups are holding a press conference on Thursday, June 16th at 11:00 a.m. to raise awareness for this and to tell the public about what the company actually works to accomplish.

The press conference is calling all supporters of marijuana to join them and speak out against this action. This was a waste of time by the DEA, they claim, and laws such as this need to be reformed to protect those operating in the cannabis industry. They add that enforcement agencies going against these cannabis groups should not have a spot in our society.

As the Drug Enforcement Administration continued, police officers in Santa Rosa, California decided that they were going to raid around six properties with other marijuana oil producers on Wednesday morning, which had an immediate response from the cannabis community. The companies attacked were Care By Design and AbsoluteXtracts, some of the best medical cannabis producers who make precise extracts. Multiple houses, a lab, and even a nursery were raided. The Drug Enforcement Administration was at the raids to see what was happening, according to the Press Democrat.

“RAID ALERT! Raid underway on Care By Design / AbsoluteXtracts in Sonoma County (right now) need help from community [sic] for support,” the San Diego chapter of the patient advocacy group Americans for Safe Access wrote.
Longtime marijuana activist and author Mickey Martin says that this raid was ridiculous

“I have worked with this group and can ensure you that they are as compliant, if not more compliant, than nearly every company in this industry,” Martin wrote. “[T]he ramifications of such an action could send shockwaves [sic] through this industry if we do not respond with forceful, direct action and protest.”

A representative for Care By Design said that they have always been a compliant group and have even worked to set “set the gold standard” with legislatures for how concentrated cannabis are manufactured.

“We produce medicine as determined by the voters in the 1990s, and we do it with the best practices of any company in the state,” Nick Caston said to the Press Democrat.

Caston also said that they suspect an upset former employee probably made a false complaint to law enforcements which led to the investigations. A representative for the Santa Rosa Police Department stated that detectives think the businesses were being operated “outside the law and city codes,” the Press Democrat says.

“We have planned for this type of situation and are fully confident in our ability to resolve this matter expeditiously with minimal disruption to the business.” says the Care By Design Representative

“They’ve done nothing official that we could find that makes any of this a legitimate operation,” said Santa Rosa Police Lt. Michael Lazzarini.

Here is what Care By Design said about the raids:

“Care By Design has worked tirelessly over the past year to ensure that all of our facilities, employees, company policies, and procedures are in compliance with city, county and state laws. We have planned for this type of situation and are fully confident in our ability to resolve this matter expeditiously with minimal disruption to the business. We hope to resolve this before it affects our thousands of patients throughout California.”

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
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