On Thursday, December 17th, during the evening, Kevin Sabet was working on a project that he thought was going to take off instantly. Sabet is the founder of the anti-marijuana legalization organization Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM). He had heard a tip from someone working closely with the Obama administration; The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released State cannabis-use predictions for 2013 and 2014. It found that Colorado, who launched the first cannabis program in 2014, now had the most pot users between the ages of twelve and seventeen.

This new statistic was attributed to the fact that there have been drops in cannabis use in surrounding states, even though adolescent pot use in Colorado increased by just a bit. The District of Columbia, Oregon, and Washington have all legalized cannabis already. Respectively, they were ranked at fourth, fifth and sixth places in terms of young cannabis smokers.

“What went through our heads was, ‘This is big news,’” Sabet stated. “We felt this would absolutely reach a wide audience.” All things considered, the day preceding, the National Institutes of Health’s 2015 Monitoring the Future review, which found that across the nation youth pot use had fallen marginally and had gotten a broad scope. Wouldn’t this report produce big stories as well?

Sabet surged out an official statement. At that point, he sat tight for the surge of calls he anticipated from columnists. Instead, Sabet did not hear a thing. The absence of media reaction to the review numbers prompts the inquiry: Following quite a while of basic providing details regarding weed issues, if they tried to cover the subject by any means, have the media, all in all, moved too far the other way? Are correspondents and editors now so high on the point of cannabis that they’re too delicate on the subject?

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
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