With regards to pot legalization, Hillary Clinton still gives off an impression of being stuck in the middle. Since the Democratic leader has built up a firm lead over Vermont Representative Bernie Sanders in the delegate count, it appears to be progressively likely that she will be the Democratic nominee in July. In the event that that is the situation, Clinton will be under much more investigation for her shady financial affiliations, the messages that she sent through her private server, and her extravagant speeches. In particular, she will be watched and judged over her arrangement choices, an inescapability that anybody with a shot at the Oval Office needs to battle with. A week ago amid Hillary Clinton’s appearance on Good Morning America, a voter approached her and asked whether she would vote in favor of legitimizing cannabis if such a submission question showed up on the poll in her state. Here is what she had to say:

“I think I would have to study that more to see how it was phrased because it’s been phrased differently in different states. But I will tell you what I will do as president, I’ve said I want to move marijuana off of Schedule I, which you understand means that you can’t do any research about it, you can’t do anything. I think that’s wrong. We have enough anecdotal evidence… about what marijuana can do for medical conditions, easing the pain, and we need to be doing research on it because I am 100 percent in favor of medical uses for marijuana.”

While that was a decent answer considering the present situation, with Hillary effectively avoiding the inquiry the voter asked, what she said had unclear suggestions. She said it isn’t right that exploration is impossible on cannabis on account of the drug being classified as a Schedule I drug, yet as a report by FactCheck.org demonstrated, that assumption is not right.

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