
Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) executives are pleased to report on the progress of its industrial hemp processing facility in Spring Hope, North Carolina. According to David Schmitt, COO of Hemp, Inc.’s wholly owned subsidiary, Industrial Hemp Manufacturing, LLC, the mechanical installation of the bale shredder was completed last week. “This system starts with a very large metal detection system to insure that there are no metal objects in any of the bales of kenaf or hemp. If the metal detector senses anything metallic, it will shut the system down. This is a safety feature to insure no metal goes into the milling system.”

Schmitt continued, “Next, the bales go up an incline conveyor into the shredder. Here the material is reduced in size to a 1-inch particle. It is then carried on a conveyor into the first stage of the milling operation. We have now started to run conduit and wiring to all of the electric motors on the shredding system. I am anticipating about two weeks to complete the electrical work. The milling operation will then be able to run in a fully automatic mode and we will begin processing the 18 million pounds of kenaf we have in inventory. We have been running the milling operation in a manual mode to confirm operation of all of the motors, sensors, filters, rotary valves, etc. All of the machinery is working properly.”

The company is working to get their hemp seed into North Carolina so that the first hemp crop can be planted in the next few weeks. “Our Nuaxon super critical CO2 extraction machine is scheduled to be delivered next week. We must then build a GMP compliant building to house the extraction unit as well as all of the post processing equipment. Once this is done, we will begin installation and commissioning of the extraction machine to begin producing CBDs,” said Schmitt.

The industrial hemp industry is burgeoning into one of the fastest growing industries in America, along with its distinct counterpart, marijuana. The American attitude on marijuana usage has been undergoing a seismic shift over the past couple of years as more states are legalizing it and realizing the economic benefits of legalization. Like its conservative cousin (industrial hemp), marijuana is big business with potentially billions of dollars to be made. Small growers, advocates, and big businesses alike are battling it out with the American justice system to bring marijuana mainstream.

Today, this massive growth curve and economic boom is for marijuana. Tomorrow, it will be for industrial hemp. While thousands of people have joined the lucrative marijuana business, only a handful are pioneering the industrial hemp industry. The following facts are indicators of what is to come for industrial hemp, putting Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) an easy 5 years ahead of the curve.

It’s been called “The Marijuana Revolution” and here are 25 interesting facts you may not have known:

• The North American marijuana market posted $6.7 billion in revenue in 2016, up 30% from the year before. U.S. legal sales could reach $50 billion by 2026. (source)
• Colorado has collected more than $150 million in taxes from legal marijuana sales, including nearly $50 million from a specific excise tax that directs funds to school construction projects. The first $40 million collected annually from the excise tax is earmarked for the school projects. (source)
• Fifty-seven percent of Americans supported legalizing marijuana in 2016 compared to just 52 percent of the country in 2014. Support for legal cannabis has been steadily increasing among Americans since 2006 when it reached 35 percent. (source)
• By 2020 it is estimated that country-wide legal marijuana sales will generate more annual revenue than the National Football League. (source)
• Cannabis is the largest cash crop in the United States, exceeding corn and wheat combined. (source)
• The first e-commerce transaction to take place on the Internet was the sale of cannabis. (source)
• In Colorado, medical marijuana dispensaries outnumber Starbucks locations three to one. (source)
• A pot smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response. (source)
• Research has found that Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC (the main active component of marijuana), has a growth-inhibiting effect on the cancer cells in liver. (source)
• The word “canvas” is derived from the word “cannabis” because canvas used to be made from hemp fiber. The ropes, sails, and caulking of the Mayflower were all made from hemp fiber. (source)
• Marijuana seeds are a source of all amino acids. They are one of only a handful of substances that man can sustain off indefinitely with no other food and provide all known amino acids. (source) Hemp seeds are an excellent 3:1 balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote cardiovascular health and are high in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid found in borage oil and egg yolks that has been proven to naturally balance hormones. (source)
• The University of Mississippi operates the United States’ only legal marijuana farm, on behalf of the government. (source)
• The difference between hemp and pot is a single genetic switch. In 2011, researchers from the University of Saskatchewan announced that they’d discovered the genetic alteration that allows psychoactive cannabis plants (Cannabis sativa) to give users a high (as compared to industrial hemp plants, which are no fun for smoking). Industrial hemp plants are the same species as marijuana plants, but they don’t produce a substance called tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA). This is the precursor to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in pot. Hemp plants fail to produce this substance because they lack a gene that makes an enzyme to produce THCA, according to University of Saskatchewan biochemist Jon Page. In contrast, marijuana plants do produce THCA but don’t create much of a substance called cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), which occurs in abundance in hemp but competes with THCA for raw materials. Thus, hemp is rich in nonpsychoactive CBDA, while marijuana is chock full of mind-bending THC. (source)
• In 2016, researchers measured the levels of marijuana’s active ingredient, THC, in more than 38,600 samples of street marijuana seized by the Drug Enforcement Agency over 20 years. They found that the levels of THC rose from about 4 percent in 1995 to about 12 percent in 2014. (source)
• Both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington grew hemp on their plantations. The British crown even ordered the colonists to grow the plant. (source)
• Since 2015, marijuana has become the fastest growing industry in the U.S. If marijuana becomes legal in all 50 states, the industry will become larger than the organic food market. (source)
• During the temperance movement of the 1890s, marijuana was commonly recommended as a substitute for alcohol. The reason for this was that use of marijuana did not lead to domestic violence while alcohol abuse did. (source)
• Paraguay is believed to be the world’s largest producer of marijuana. (source)
• Twenty-three percent of people who visited Colorado in 2015 said the availability of marijuana positively influenced their decision to vacation in the state. (source)
• Since the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, highway fatalities have hit a historic low. (source)
• The first two drafts of the United States Declaration of Independence were written on paper made from hemp. (source) Bob Crumley, founder of Crumley-Roberts Attorneys at Law, and the NC Industrial Hemp Association says the first 5 Presidents of the United States were all hemp farmers. (source)
• The very first thing sold online was a bag of weed. It took place in 1971 at Stanford. Students used the internet, then Arpanet, to make the transaction. (source)
• Marijuana mimics your body chemistry. Marijuana’s active ingredient, THC, is shaped very closely and acts similarly to anandamide, which your body naturally produces. It is part of the endocannabinoid system that plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. (source)
• Like people, animals with debilitating diseases can also get help from cannabis’ medical properties. Veterinarians have reported improved health in cats and dogs who suffer from anxiety and seizures that have been prescribed medical marijuana products like Canna-Pet and other non-psychoactive cannabis-based tinctures. (source)
• The Jamestown colony in 1619 passed legislation forcing settlers to grow cannabis. Hemp was a mainstream cash crop that was used to make rope, fabric and ship sails. It was literally against the law not to grow it. (source)

Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) said, “This migration from marijuana to hemp is prevalent everywhere I go. Most large hemp growers got their start by growing marijuana and just like us migrated from that sector into the new promising industrial hemp where the pioneers all have ‘First Mover’s Advantage’. I see this in every state I go to from California to Oregon to Nevada to Kentucky (but not North Carolina for some reason).”

As the marijuana industry continues to find its place and settle in mainstream America, so will industrial hemp. Senate Bill 1726, that was filed with the Florida state senate last month, has been placed on the senate’s Special Order Calendar for today. The bill authorizes the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to oversee the development of industrial hemp pilot projects for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida and the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and authorizes the universities to develop the pilot projects in partnership with public, nonprofit, and private entities.

The legalization of industrial hemp has a strong possibility of passing. Today, Floridians are aware of the need to diversify their state’s economy, thus Senate Bill 1726 and related House Bill 1217, have an excellent chance of passing.

Bruce Perlowin, CEO of Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) said, “It’s time for hemp to make its rightful return to the American landscape. Florida is another step closer to being the next state. As home to the largest, commercial, industrial hemp decorticating facility, Hemp, Inc. is also pleased to be a part of the industrial hemp movement and making America great again by making America hemp again.”

In other industrial hemp news, Missouri House Bill 170, as of 2 days ago, the executive session (senate) voted “do pass”. As previously reported on 4/12/17, HB 170 passed the state house with a 126 – 26 vote in favor of legalizing industrial hemp, yesterday, and has been passed to the state senate for the senate’s first read. HB 170 would allow those licensed by the Department of Agriculture to grow, harvest, and cultivate industrial hemp. According to a recent article, “supporters call the bill a development opportunity that could be a boon for farmers and help cultivate new business.” Under the proposal, people who want to grow hemp must apply with the Department of Agriculture and submit to a background check. Crops would also be subject to inspection.

The 900-member North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association (NCIHA) is a 501(c)(6) trade organization that represents all the stakeholders helping to build a thriving hemp industry in North Carolina. The NCIHA is responsible for the lobbying effort behind the passage of the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Pilot Program. Through education, dedication and fundraising, North Carolina can be accelerated to the forefront of global growth in Industrial and Medicinal Hemp. North Carolina can and should lead the country in cultivation, processing and support the consumption of hemp’s many beneficial products. Hemp was, for almost 200 years, a legal and fundamental crop in North Carolina and should be again.

Visit for more information. To join the North Carolina Industrial Hemp Association, click here.

Arizona. As reported by Hemp, Inc. on 2/22/17, Arizona State Legislature, SB1337, that was in review by the Senate has passed the Senate with a 26-4 with bipartisan support in the Senate and is now in the House for consideration. SB 1337, if passed, would legalize the production, processing, sale and distribution of industrial hemp for commercial purposes.

Whether it’s Alaska or Arizona, Hemp, Inc. is on the ground more often than not conducting business in those states. In Arizona, for example, Hemp, Inc. plans to grow up to 300 acres on a 500-acre Veteran Village Kins Community.

Aligned with Hemp, Inc.’s Triple Bottom Line approach, CEO Bruce Perlowin is exploring the possibilities of developing “Hemp Growing Veteran Village Kins Communities” in North Carolina and considering several other states similar to the 500-acre demonstration community being built in Arizona. He currently has 2,500 acres (and counting) of land in Kingman, Arizona where he’s building a veteran village on 500 of those acres that would consist of 160 lots of 2 1/2 acre parcels for Kins Domains (eco-villages). Each parcel would grow 1 acre of hemp as well as having organic gardens, natural beehives, a pond, a living fence and other elements that make up a Kins Domain.

An additional 100 acres of hemp will be grown in each one of these 500-acre communities. The revenue from fifty of those acres is used to support that community. The revenue from the other fifty acres of hemp will be used to purchase 2 additional 500-acre parcels of land, thus keeping up with the needs of a large number of veterans that exist now and in the future.

The eco-friendly “Veteran Village Kins Communities” were inspired by the book series, The Ringing Cedars of Russia ( Perlowin has since found a way to incorporate it into Hemp, Inc.’s strategy of building hemp growing, CBD-producing “communities” or “villages.” The first part of these “Veteran Village Kins Communities” is a “holistic healing and learning center” whose function in each community is obvious by the title. The prototype Veteran Village Kins Community in Arizona is expected to be completed by mid-2017.

Perlowin has been personally creating the Arizona “Veteran Village Kins Community” since 2013 as a solution to America’s multifaceted veteran problem. To date, forty-four percent of the homeless are veterans. Twelve percent of that group are combat woman veterans with children. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY. Two million veterans are on food stamps. As for the future, 238,000 veterans are leaving the armed services every year.

From rehabilitation to job creation, Perlowin says this model presents a comprehensive holistic solution to those individuals that all Americans owe a great debt of gratitude towards… the American veterans. Perlowin expects this model to produce very lucrative revenue for Hemp, Inc., the veterans themselves and the local communities these Kins Communities are built near. “The infrastructure for ‘The Hemp Growing, CBD-Producing, Veteran-Village Kins Community,’ which takes time to build, is already in place in Arizona. I’ve been building this infrastructure since 2013 and it can be duplicated for any state,” says Perlowin.

To see a series of videos on what a Kins Domain is, visit

Hemp is a durable natural fiber that is grown as a renewable source for raw materials that can be incorporated into thousands of products. It’s one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man. Hemp is used in nutritional food products such as hemp seeds, hemp hearts and hemp proteins, for humans. It is also used in building materials, paper, textiles, cordage, organic body care and other nutraceuticals, just to name a few. It has thousands of other known uses. A hemp crop requires half the water alfalfa uses and can be grown without the heavy use of pesticides. Farmers worldwide grow hemp commercially for fiber, seed, and oil for use in a variety of industrial and consumer products. The United States is the only developed nation that fails to cultivate industrial hemp as an economic crop on a large scale, according to the Congressional Resource Service. However, with rapidly changing laws and more states gravitating towards industrial hemp and passing an industrial hemp bill, that could change. Currently, the majority of hemp sold in the United States is imported from China and Canada, the world’s largest exporters of the industrial hemp crop.

To see the video showcasing the dramatic footage of our hemp and Kenaf grows, click here.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.’s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility and milling operation and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up.)

Fuel. While the industrial, medicinal and commercial properties of hemp have been known to mankind for a very long time, its benefits to the environment have just been realized in recent years. One of the compelling things hemp offers is fuel. Reserves of petroleum are being depleted. Right now we are depleting our reserves of petroleum and buying it up from other countries. It would be nice if we could have a fuel source which was reusable and which we could grow right here, making us completely energy independent.

Industries in search of sustainable and eco-friendly processes are realizing hemp as a viable option. Hemp can provide an alternative, more efficient source of energy in the fuel industry. “The woody hemp plant is low in moisture; it dries quickly and is an efficient biomass source of methanol. The waste products produced by using hemp oil are a good source of ethanol. Both methanol and ethanol are produced from hemp through the efficient and economical process of thermo-chemical conversion. One acre of hemp yields 1,000 gallons or 3,785 liters of fuel. Hemp allows a lesser reliance on fossil fuels, which are non-renewable sources of energy and will not be able to meet the increasing global demands for long.

Petroleum fuel increases carbon monoxide in the atmosphere and contributes heavily to global warming and the greenhouse effect, which could lead to global catastrophe in the next 50 years if these trends continue. Do you want to find out if they are right, or do you want to grow the most cost effective and environmentally safe fuel source on the planet?

Using hemp as an energy and rotation crop would be a great step in the right direction.
To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.’s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility and milling operation and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up.)

1. The Hemp University’s Farming HEMP for Profit (April 29, 2017 in Spring Hope, North Carolina)
The Hemp University will be doing its second event for landowners, farmers, entrepreneurs and investors. This will also be the last “introductory” event, as following classes will be focused on a high-end technical education series. These will be similar to what you would expect for experienced professionals in their fields or those wanting the latest information on a specific topic.

2. Marijuana Business Conference and Expo (May 16 – 19, 2017 in Washington, DC)
The Marijuana Business Conference and Expo is the largest gathering business community of mid to large wholesale growers, dispensaries and recreational retailers, infused product makers, ancillary companies ranging from grow technology to legal services, and, angels and VCs investing in privately-held firms. The conference highlights the latest advances and networking opportunities in the cannabis industry. MJBizCon, as it is referred to, has continued to set industry-wide attendance records and is by far the world’s largest gathering of executives and exhibitors each and every season. The show continues to be curated by the editors of MJBizDaily, the industry’s most trusted professional news service. The upcoming expo expects 3,500-4,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than a dozen nations including a large Canadian contingent.

3. The Hemp University’s Farming HEMP for Profit (May 27, 2017 in Spring Hope, North Carolina)
The Hemp University will launch the first of these events focused on Greenhouse and Indoor Growing. As May/June mark the end for the outdoor planting season, The Hemp University will bring the best in class Greenhouse and Indoor Growing experts to educate and train attendees on the opportunities, challenges and what is needed to succeed.

4. Hemp on the Slope (July 22, 2017 at Salt Creek Ranch in Collbran, CO from 11:00am to 5:00pm)
Presented by Salt Creek Hemp Co. and produced by the Colorado Hemp Company, this celebration will feature speakers, workshops, exhibitors, live music, hemp food, networking and more. Hemp on the Slope seeks to educate and inform the community on the amazing benefits of hemp and the economic opportunities that exist. This event is hemp-centric and focused on all of the industrial, nutritional, and nutraceutical benefits of non-psychoactive cannabis-hemp. This event is not a medical or recreational marijuana event.

Those who attend the upcoming Hemp on the Slope! event in Colorado will be able to see Hemp, Inc.’s 17,000 CBD clones growing up close. Dr. Michael Villa, CEO of Innovations in Science and Business Research and Development, based in Colorado, is in negotiations with Hemp, Inc. for the planting, harvest and purchase of 17,000 high CBD-rich hemp clones. According to Dr. Villa, his company will be growing 17,000 plants for Hemp, Inc. in Colorado for CBD production. The clones will be made up of 8 different strains and is expected to be planted in late May of this year and harvested late September/early October. The crop will be dried and processed in Colorado. The CBD oil, to be extracted, will be prepared for the nutraceutical market. There are to be 1,000 plants per acre so the total crop will cover 17 acres. The whole process is expected to create jobs for up to 25 people or more. Taking into account the infrastructure, testing facilities and retail outlets, Colorado can expect a nice influx of job creation for its economy.

5. Cannabis World Congress and Business Exposition (June 14 – 16, 2017 in New York, New York; September 13 – 15, 2017 in Los Angeles, California; and October 4 – 6, 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts)
The Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo (CWCBExpo) is the definitive business event for the cannabis industry. Exhibitors and sponsors bring cutting-edge solutions to owners and managers of businesses in this fast-growing industry, and a wealth of opportunity and knowledge to those looking to enter the market with potential partners and investors.

The Northeast CWCBExpo (New York) will offer the depth and breadth of information and products for these industries expected to top $20 billion in the next three years. There is a huge platform taking a more comprehensive approach to learning with a strong emphasis on industrial hemp due to Governor Cuomo’s commitment to making hemp a $1 billion industry in New York. The “Make America Hemp Again” will be presented by Hoban Law Group/CPS Education.

6. The Hemp University’s Farming HEMP for Profit (June 24, 2017 in Spring Hope, North Carolina)
The Hemp University will bring you The Art and Science of Extraction. Potentially the greatest single opportunity in the cannabis industry are the products created via extraction. With over 120 currently discovered cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis — extraction and refinement are paramount to creating top tier consumer products.
To list your hemp event here, email

“Hemp, Inc. Presents” is capturing the historic, monumental re-creation of the hemp decorticator today as America begins to evolve into a cleaner, green, eco-friendly sustainable environment. What many see as the next American Industrial Revolution is actually the Industrial Hemp Revolution. Watch as Hemp, Inc., the #1 leader in the industrial hemp industry, engages its shareholders and the public through each step in bringing back the hemp decorticator as described in the “Freedom Leaf Magazine” article “The Return of the Hemp Decorticator” by Steve Bloom.

Freedom Leaf Magazine, one of the preeminent news resources for the cannabis, medical marijuana, and industrial hemp industry in America, is published by Freedom Leaf, Inc., a fully reporting, audited, publicly traded company on OTC Markets. Stay in the loop with Freedom Leaf Magazine as it continues to deliver the good news in marijuana reform with some of the most compelling art, entertainment, and lifestyle-driven industry news in the cannabis/hemp sector. On the go? Download the Freedom Leaf mobile app to stay connected as they transform the delivery of cannabis news and information across the digital landscape. Get the mobile app on Apple iOS or Google Play.

“Hemp, Inc. Presents” is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by visiting To subscribe to the “Hemp, Inc. Presents” YouTube channel, be sure to click the subscribe button.

NHA represents hemp farmers, processors, manufacturers, start-up businesses, entrepreneurial endeavors, and retailers and strives to build a viable industrial hemp economy by providing education about the benefits of hemp and providing expert consultation to producers and processors entering the hemp industry. NHA has developed close relationships with local and state government agencies to establish regulations that benefit the hemp industry across the nation. We provide a wealth of expertise in fields ranging from mining and agriculture to hemp materials processing and the latest developments pertaining to laws and regulations. For more information on the National Hemp Association, visit

The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) is a non-profit trade association representing businesses, farmers, researchers and investors working with industrial hemp. The HIA is at the forefront of the drive for fair and equal treatment of industrial hemp. Since 1994, the HIA has been dedicated to education, industry development, and the accelerated expansion of hemp world market supply and demand. For those who are currently involved in the hemp industry, thinking of starting a hemp business, a farmer interested in hemp or to support hemp commerce, please consider becoming a member of the HIA. To join, please click here for benefits, more information and an application.

With a deep-rooted social and environmental mission at its core, Hemp, Inc. seeks to build a business constituency for the American small farmer, the American veteran, and other groups experiencing the ever-increasing disparity between tapering income and soaring expenses. As a leader in the industrial hemp industry with ownership of the largest commercial multi-purpose industrial hemp processing facility in North America, Hemp, Inc. believes there can be tangible benefits reaped from adhering to a corporate social responsibility plan. Thus, Hemp, Inc.’s “Triple Bottom Line” approach serves as an important tool in balancing meeting business objectives and the needs of society and environment at the same time.

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To see the video showcasing the dramatic footage of our hemp and Kenaf grows, click here.

To see 1-minute daily video updates (from Hemp, Inc. CEO Bruce Perlowin) on the final phases of completion of Hemp, Inc.’s 70,000 square foot industrial hemp processing facility and milling operation and other developments, click here. (Remember to scroll down to see the other videos of this historical event of building an American industrial hemp processing facility and factory from the ground up.)

Forward-Looking Statements are included within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements regarding our expected future financial position, results of operations, cash flows, financing plans, business strategy, products and services, competitive positions, growth opportunities, plans and objectives of management for future operations, including words such as “anticipate,” “if,” “believe,” “plan,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “could,” “should,” “will,” and other similar expressions are forward-looking statements and involve risks, uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control, which may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from anticipated results, performance, or achievements. We are under no obligation to (and expressly disclaim any such obligation to) update or alter our forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

For Investor Relations, please send correspondence to:
• Hemp, Inc.
(855) HEMP-OUT

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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