Denver-Based MiNDFUL Seeks Agency of Record to Assist Brand Management, Request for Proposals (RFP)

For marijuana companies, employing quality employees and vendors has always been a troubled task. Though it was much easier over the past year, there still remain great obstacles to hurdle, especially when companies grow larger, creating a national or international reputation, and have brands and an image to uphold. The needs change. Hiring companies that do not specifically or originally cater to the marijuana industry becomes a necessity.

Here and in the next three parts of this four part article, we will be keeping an eye on the unique situation in which Denver-based MiNDFUL finds itself in seeking a full-service advertising agency. We will follow the process from release of Request for Proposals (RFP) through the selection process and up to the statement released of the winning agency.

At the conclusion of this article, you will find RFP recently made public by MiNDFUL. This is an open process and we encourage all comers. For more information and the full RFP, please send a note of interest to

Currently, we have been happily surprised by the caliber of advertising companies that have reached out to us as well as the level of involvement of senior executives within those companies. While we have not previously made the RFP ‘public,’ we have passed it along to several agencies with whom members of our executive team have had relationships in the past. Every one of these agencies has national pull and existing national clients.

The first surprise came when this very limited release of the RFP seemed to have been leaked, impacting other companies to reach out and ask to be invited to respond. “I’ve heard through the grapevine…” “Word on the street is…” “I understand that you are looking for…” The desire to be a part of this industry is growing as the stigma is lifting.

Sadly though, the stigma is not completely gone. One particularly biting response from an agency gave us a heads up  that they charge a very high retainer, every month.  They would only be willing to talk if that was something if it meets there budget. I highly disbelieve that is their normal response. Yes, we can afford that. Yes, that is in our budget. No, we won’t be calling.

Who are we?

MiNDFUL is a national marijuana manufacturer and retailer that first and foremost believes we can all do well by doing good.  We are dedicated to growing the highest quality marijuana through beyond organic methodology.  We understand the importance of having a quality product as the foundation of our customer experience retail philosophy.  MiNDFUL is increasingly gaining national and international notiriaty and we are looking for like minded vendors that are interested in getting in the rocket ship for the ride of a life time.

What we do?

MiNDFUL currently cultivates an average of 500 pounds of marijuana a month that we sell through our 5 retail outlets.  We also are a leading manufacturer of cannabis concentrates through TR Scientific, a subsidiary of MiNDFUL.  We have two new products that will be released under separate brands.

What we need?

We are looking for a effective, fast paced, out of the box thinking Agency of Record to aid us in brand management and strategy to expand our current customer base.  This is especial opportunity in that there is a completely untapped market of consumers that just need a little help understanding why they need our top shelf  quality products.  In particular, we are missing a curtail market segment and that is female consumers.  This isn’t unique to MiNDFUL.  It’s a big miss of the industry.  We believe the current strategy of fighting for the same consumer through price wars is improper, incredibly limiting and does a disservice to patients and consumers.

We are searching for a full service agency to help us in a short and long-term brand business plan across different platforms to maximize our customer base.  We need a creative team that has the cability to understand the current industry and the brilliance to create a completely new customer base all the while working with as efficiently as possible to manage a realistic budget.

We need an company that understands and can commit the right resources to support the front end heavy lift of getting a few key items completed- website redesign, 2015 calendar year ad campaign, LuvBud and Breathe product launch — understanding that our team will be 100%  involved to quick responses to your work to get this major  task done in a very short turnaround.  We have a good marketing team at your disposal.  You have a creative CEO and PR Director to help guide the process.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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