If any person was born after 1983 they have most likely encountered a D.A.R.E representative. Typically local law enforcement will visit sixth-grade classrooms with charts, reports and commonly freighting, and more times than not erroneous, information about drugs. The effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. program which was initiated by the late ex-LAPD chief Daryl Gates, has been presented obstacles over the years and currently with a thorough investigation conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information has came to the result that D.A.R.E. is ineffective.

It looks like D.A.R.E. has gone full circle and is a joke… or at least can determine what a joke is.
“Marijuana candies, sold on the street as ‘Uncle Tweety’s Chewy Flipper’ and ‘Gummy Satans’ are taking the country by storm,” an interesting read on D.A.R.E.’s website recently.
When a writer for the Washington Post Wonkblog called to find out about the posting, D.A.R.E. immediately took it off their site with no comment, however, the story was kept by the Internet Archive.
And it only gets better.
“It is sad that in a country as developed as America, such third world drugs such as marijuana are allowed to exist,” the different story’s anonymous author wrote. “Children are being addicted to marijuana. I knew this day would come when a liberal president allowed a state to legally sell Marijuana Flintstone Vitamins to children.”
The fake article continued to make outright preposterous claims, which D.A.R.E. reposted every word in a panicked attempt to hold on to any articles displaying the cons of cannabis
“Marijuana. It is one of the most dangerous drugs on Earth.”
“For every one joint of marijuana, four teenagers become burdened with pregnancy.”
Violent offenses, fits of primal aggression, heart issues, low testosterone, heart conditions, COPD, are all the conclusions of using cannabis, according to the very funny satirical posting.
Back in 2012, the Obama administration terminated the “national Drug Abuse Resistance Education Day” however D.A.R.E. still obtains funding from the Justice Department, and various other government agencies, foundations and corporations.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
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