

The Texas House provided final approval This past Tuesday to a limited medical marijuana bill That provide people who suffer from epilepsy access to cannabidiol oil (CBD). The next move is Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk, creating a milestone that cannabis reform supporters say is nothing short of making history in the state of Texas. The Republican has not announced whether he will sign one of the most discussed measures in his first legislative session as governor.
The bill, SB 339, will allow people who suffer from intractable epilepsy the right to use low-level THC marijuana to help control their seizures. This would be used in the form of CBD oil. The oil could only be used with a prescription and would prohibited to patients with other medical issues.
In the past year, their have been about 14 states that have passed similar low-level marijuana oil laws. Scott Walker, the Gov. Wisconsin a possible 2016 presidential candidate, as well as the Gov. of Florida Rick Scott were some of the first. Republicans in those states have expressed great concern that oil would be closely monitored and would not be a precursor to legalizing recreational cannabis.
Being able to legally obtain CBD in Colorado is what has brought many families from across the U.S. looking for proper treatment for medical issues.
Ever since Abbott, has taken office back in January, the state’s prior attorney general has responded with minimal comments about cannabis stating he does not see decriminalization happening this year.

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