A big issue in the upcoming election is legalization; who is going to do the most for the drug. Well, the country’s biggest organization supporting cannabis legalization has announced that they are formally endorsing the Libertarian Party’s nominee for President: Gary Johnson. The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), which sets out to change federal laws so that states can choose whether or not they would like to legalize, says that Johnson was the best choice if someone wished to legalize marijuana. They also added that their endorsement comes just from cannabis use and not from any of his other positions.

“We don’t take a position — and we, therefore, don’t take into account a candidate’s position — on other issues, such as abortion, guns, gay rights, Iraq, taxes, or Social Security,” MPP’s Executive Director Rob Kampia said. “Of the three presidential candidates who will appear on the ballot in all 50 states and D.C., Gary Johnson clearly has the best position on marijuana policy. When he first advocated for legalization in 1999, he was the highest-ranking public official in the U.S. to do so — as the sitting Republican governor of New Mexico, no less.”

“Legalization has been Johnson’s number-one issue for 17 years. MPP’s endorsement of Johnson was an easy call; the most difficult question is whether MPP should support a candidate who’s good on medical marijuana but bad on legalization, when the candidate is facing an opponent who’s bad on everything,” Kampia added. When speaking to The Hill earlier this month, Johnson said that he used cannabis as “recently as a month ago” but stated that he would not if he were elected as president of the United States in 2016. The presidential nominee has not drunk alcohol for three decades, and he used to be the executive of cannabis company Cannabis Sativa Inc.

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