marijuana stocks


$VNNYF ($VIN) to Acquire Majority Stake in Multinational Plant Breeder

On the heels of their latest announcement that Vinergy Resources has officially obtained a US ticker symbol and will commence trading on the OTCQB, Vinergy Resources Ltd. (CSE:VIN)(CSE:VIN.CN)(OTCQB:VNNYF) in conjunction with its proposed acquisition of MJ Biopharma (announced December 14, 2016) is pleased to announce today that it has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to acquire up to 51% of a European multinational plant breeding company (“Target”). The Target has audited annual sales in excess of CAD $14,000,000 and adjusted EBITDA of over CAD $2,000,000.


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More Conditions Could be Added to List to Obtain Medical Marijuana

Virginia’s Senate recently voted to broaden the use of cannabis oil for medical purposes after a deliberation that shifted into presidential drug usage, 1960s hippie culture, and the long list of possible side effects communicated on some TV pharmaceutical ads. The bill, co-sponsored by Sen. Jill Holtzman Vogel and Senator Barbara A. Favola, builds on legislation passed two years ago that was meant to make it easier for Virginians with serious forms of epilepsy to use the oils that come from cannabis.


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#ICYMI: Cannabidiol Oil Will Not Be Affected By DEA Rescheduling

Reports of hemp-based CBD medicine’s death have been highly exaggerated. That’s the word from several legal experts who say, despite a moment of industry-wide panic about the DEA’s filing of a memo with the federal register establishing a “final rule” on the internal classification of “marijuana extracts” the law regarding CBD and hemp has not changed. A memo from Folium Legal Counsel reflects this widespread interpretation of the law and the lack of negative impacts on the industry since the filing took effect.


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MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
1 comment
  1. Why are some of the experts saying marijuana penny stocks are not going to take off and it’s a waste of money and time and some are saying it’s the next big thing why such big different opinions coming from the so called experts are the ones for it getting paid to push it and the ones saying no what roll do they play in being so negative about the market. I’m confused because it’s about 50/50 I don’t know who to believe can some one that know what they are talking about and have nothing to gain from it answer my question and also tell me why should I believe you over the next guy.?? Also why are company’s like using there symbol instead of names why are company’s like, Hemp , Mjna, mcig, mcoa, not doing as so well but you guys talk about them alot but I have been watching them for weeks hemp went from.03-.05 and stayed there after being at 3 cents for months the same with mjna being at 16 cents these company’s get you to do press on them but still no action which is a red flag either they are paying or they are not who they claim to be can some one answer that. Mcig ceo and finance mgr invested $100,000 each of there out money stock had a gain of 13% but finished down 11% it’s like they are padding the market for self need maybe the company isn’t doing what he claim it is I’m confused explain what’s happening with these company’s and be honest I’m not an expert but even I can tell something isn’t right someone is lying about there company to get investors who is telling the truth and show me the proof

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