marijuana stocks to buy 2019


Last year, Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s aired a CNN special called Weed. After this, the United States was able to witness Utah pass a medical cannabis law. There was a restriction, however; only legalized cannabidiol (CBD) and only medicine in the form of cannabis oil was able to be sold. Alabama, Kentucky, and Wisconsin came next, allowing their own versions of the bill. Eventually, fourteen states would legalize CBD-rich oil, but not any other form of cannabis. Smoking is still illegal in New York, but they allow medicine containing more than just CBD. There is also an agreement with GW Pharmaceuticals to perform trails on a CBD product called Epidolex. Although New York is restrictive, the state at least had access to more than just CBD.

Dr. Gupta’s Weed was the beginning of a chain of CBD laws to be passed throughout the country. The special was primarily focused on CBD and its benefits for children with epilepsy. In addition to his restrictiveness, he only mentioned one type of CBD-rich strain called Charlotte’s Web. CBD-only laws passed in certain states have adopted the name of “Charlotte’s Web” laws because of this. Unfortunately, Dr. Gupta only touched on one of many of the plant’s many benefits. Patients that have epilepsy “need more than just CBD; they need whole-plant medicine that includes THC.”

Jason David and his son Jayden were used as examples on the TV show Weed Wars. Jason would use medicine rich in CBD so that Jayden’s seizures would be put under control. According to Jason, “THC was crucial during the weaning process, without it Jayden would have died. There is no way to wean a person with just CBD, I tried it and it just made the withdrawal symptoms worse.” The solution isn’t just in THC and CBD though. Jayden takes a concoction of cannabinoids including CBG and THCa, two beneficial non-psychoactive cannabinoids that most laws tend to ignore.

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