This month, a World Health Organization conference will be held in Geneva, and could influence the policies around the world regarding the regulation of cannabidiol (CBD).

The meeting of the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) will take place from November 6 to 10 for the assessment of certain psychoactive substances including CBD. This is an annual process for the reviewal of psychoactive substances in terms of regards to health, abuse, and dependence. From here the ECDD makes recommendations regarding regulations of the drug to the United Nations Secretary-General.

Chosen to speak about CBD at the conference is Raúl Elizalde, president of HempMeds Mexico. Elizalde was influential to the legalization of medical marijuana in Mexico as he has been an advocate ever since using CBD during the treatment process of his ten-year-old daughter’s epilepsy. HempMeds is the only company permitted to produce medicinal marijuana by the Mexican government.

Elizalde is against the regulation of CBD, stating, “I’m excited to speak with global leaders and urge them to not consider CBD psychoactive and not schedule it as a drug”. He believes that regulation will limit CBD’s use in the pharmaceutical industry and it should be classified as a dietary supplement.

“I hope [they] will consider CBD to be similar to vitamin C, a supplement that has a recommended daily dose—not a drug that then needs to be scheduled,” Elizalde added.
The decisions of the ECDD may bring on broad effects. The Convention on Psychotropic Substances is a UN treaty that details which substances should be regulated by member nations, which includes the United States. If the United Nations determines CBD is not subject to regulation this may start the process of reclassification under the Controlled Substances Act as CBD is currently listed as a Schedule 1 narcotic.

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