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A lot has happened in the world of cannabis over the course of the past several weeks. From positive steps toward legislation nationwide to new products seeing approval by the FDA, it is undoubtedly an exciting time for marijuana.

For the past 80 years or so, cannabis has been considered a Schedule I narcotic as far as the national government is concerned. This essentially means that they believe cannabis has no potential for treating illnesses as while as a high rate of addiction. Both of these statements have been disproven many times with modern science and research, thus the need for new legislation. Broader acceptance of the plants use has been happening across the nation with states choosing to legalize their own cannabis industries whether it be for recreational or medicinal use.

The current state of cannabis in this country has seen difficult standpoints from those in government such as Attorney General Jeff Sessions. With the war on drugs still in full swing, it has been difficult to try and reach new middle grounds in the world of cannabis. Jeff Sessions has been working to undo years of progress in the industry, but recent news has shown that the president may be committed to ensuring states have their own right to enforce legal cannabis laws.

Several states have pledged that they may be introducing cannabis into the ballot for this upcoming year such as Michigan, Missouri, and possibly Utah. Many states are choosing to legalize cannabis due to the fact that it creates new jobs, high tax revenue, and has a large amount of potential to help people with a wide variety of diseases.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to attempt to discredit the marijuana industry as many world leaders have been trying to do. With a massive amount of research showing large potential for marijuana to treat or even cure diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and more, there is no way to discredit cannabis as a medicine. With new work being done by a large amount of those in government to attempt to legalize cannabis nationwide, it seems as though the future of marijuana is still very bright.

Congress still has a large amount of work to do in terms of researching the substance and how it will affect the nation if it were to be legalized throughout the country. New tests are showing how cannabis and its derivatives can create new pharmaceutical substances that are as good or better than alternative drugs given for the same ailments. One of the most promising parts of the cannabis plant is the chemical known as cannabidiol. Cannabidiol or CBD can be derived from the cannabis plant, where it can then be used to create new pharmaceutical drugs. These drugs have shown promise at everything from fighting cancer cells, to dramatically reducing the instance of seizures in children. There is no doubt that there is a long way to go for the cannabis industry, but it looks as though progress is still very much being made.

The exciting period for cannabis is throughout the next coming years. This next decade will help to see how cannabis can begin to be integrated into our daily lives. With new politicians coming into the cannabis industry, the paradigm shift of cannabis will begin to hit the public. The hopes are high that the next coming years will be extremely influential for the public view of the cannabis industry. With new news and technology coming out on a regular basis, the world of cannabis remains extremely exciting to keep an eye on for the future.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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