Marijuana has faced a series of legislation in its favor across the country with as many as 29 states having some sort of cannabis legalization including Washington D.C. Many other states have begun to follow suit given the high amount of tax revenue and other income it can bring to a state. Marijuana also has a large benefit to a wide variety of people who use the medicine for everything from pain management to seizure control. Several states have begun to put in legislation, hopefully allowing them to have recreational or medical marijuana in the near future.

Kentucky is a state that many people would not associate with legislation for marijuana given its history of conservative laws, but one lawmaker in the state hopes to change that. Sen. Albert Robinson, has stated that he is working to make medical marijuana legal in Kentucky. Robinson stated recently that he is supporting the legalization of cannabis in the state, which could potentially help the federal legislation for the substance to be passed through. He also stated that he may support medical use for certain patients, but this does not mean that he is in favor of allowing recreational marijuana. Robinson further stated that he is aware that marijuana use is high in the state, and that many people would benefit from legalization of cannabis, but he is working hard to make that happen. Robinson has stated that he would like to have a hearing regarding legislation for cannabis as soon as 2019. As Kentucky is one of the more conservative states in the U.S., this would be a large step in the right direction for the whole of the country.

Another state has hopes of allowing marijuana to be legalized in the near future and that is Rhode Island. Rhode Island residents have stated that they would like to see marijuana legalized in their state, which they hope would bring an end to the prohibition of cannabis that has gone on for too long. The proposition that will go on the bill in the near future states that “Do you support the legalization of possession and use of marijuana by persons who are at least 21 years of age, subject to regulation and taxation that is similar to the regulation and taxation of tobacco and alcohol?” The proposal for the state has been put in by Rep. Scott Slater, which would allow for legalization, would effectively be on the 2019 ballot.

As many as eight other states are considering allowing legislation for marijuana to be put on the ballot in 2019, which means things could be getting closer to seeing a nationwide end to prohibition of cannabis. Another state that is in the works of moving forward with legislation is Illinois. Illinois has been working to put the bill stating that “Shall the State of Illinois legalize the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, testing, and sale of marijuana and marijuana products for recreational use by adults 21 and older subject to state regulation, taxation and local ordinance?”, into the ballot. Many politicians in the state have decided to run under the pretense that they would vote for marijuana legislation in the near future. Several polls have also been run prior to the ballot measure in 2019, that have shown that citizens in Illinois would like to see marijuana legislation put in place as soon as possible.

All of the steps that are currently being taken to put marijuana legislation in place seem to be moving forward. This is not only a good sign for the individuals who use cannabis, but it is also a major positive for companies looking to start cannabis related businesses within the U.S. as they now have a plethora of options.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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