As The Lazy Lion conducts their business which is a members only marijuana club known in the notorious city of Colorado. Inside the windowless one-story establishment in an industrial side of Colorado Springs, individuals who have attended the club have paid $5 daily membership fee line up at a glass bar to get bags of pot or take a toke from one of the clubs bowls, for which they give a money “reimbursement”
Colorado Springs has prohibited recreational dispensaries within the city, yet its zoning laws give private clubs, which is where The lazy Lion another clubs alike fit in. These kind of social hangouts are desperately needed, stated The Lazy Lion’s general manager, Aaron Stone “A lot of time on the retail side, people leave the stores with misinformation, and don’t know how to use what they buy,” he states, noting that in its two and a half year run, The Lazy Lion has been the host to job interviews, homework sessions and even post wedding events.
However would people who travel to Colorado for vacation or marijuana supporters truly feel comfortable inside such an establishment like The Lazy Lion? But if not, where should folks venture to so they are able to enjoy marijuana with their peers? Cannabis, with its pass the joint cultural tradition, has always been a social drug. Yet so far, recreational pot laws have dodged dealing with the social guidelines for marijuana use. Colorado and various other states that have legalized cannabis have prohibited using marijuana in public, yet what about using marijuana behind closed doors and among users of age? It is an issue that has big financial and social implications for building the legal marijuana industry.
A proposed Denver initiative looks to resolve the issue by allowing places like bars to permit limited cannabis use on the premises, yet people are indecisive to whether cannabis use should be segregated in separate yet equal marijuana clubs or integrated with other remedies such as alcohol.
MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |