Mike Eacker can often be found working with his marijuana plants in his old garage as he wonders whether or not his farming efforts will turn into some sort of profit. Eacker and many others in Montana are still uncertain as to whether or not they are going to make money as they await the outcome of a Supreme Court case that may stop the selling of medical marijuana, leading to the business becoming unprofitable.

Montana is one of the many states whose population decided legalized medical cannabis by allowing for ballot initiatives almost two ago, but left lawmakers in a bad spot to manage a business that grew so quickly with so little rules. Now, states such as California, Montana and Michigan are still trying to make their laws more efficient with bills that would lead to a sort of licensing system for farmers, create a fee structure for suppliers and product, or legalize all cannabis use.

It’s a legislative and regulatory dilemma that lawmakers predict other states may need to deal with because of the increasing demand for legal medical and recreational marijuana; as a result more and more states look to be allowing the drug. Maryland first began selling medical marijuana just a year ago. Georgia, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming passed laws for medicinal products just this year. There have been at least 20 initiatives to legalize medical or recreational cannabis could very well be on the ballot in sixteen states in 2016.

Supporters of using marijuana for medicinal purposes claim that ingesting marijuana may “ease chronic pain, stimulate appetites for the very ill, soothe nausea caused by cancer treatments and prevent seizures in children with epilepsy.” Those against marijuana claim that the research that medical marijuana has behind it does not have definite results; they claim that there are health risks that those who support marijuana do not tell the public and in the end, bamboozle them. Despite these claims, public support of marijuana is growing much quicker than the opposition.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
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