Marijuana activist and opponents have joined forces on a new amendment that would develop a new federal subcategory for the plant and that could make things simpler to work on future research in regards to marijuana medical efficacy.

The amendment to the 21st Century Cures ACT (H.R. 6) A bill that is directed at progressing with the discovery and development of new medicines is “designed to facilitate credible research on the medical efficacy” of cannabis, and would influence the National Institute of Health and the DEA to work as a unit on marijuana research. The measure is expected to be discussed in the House of Representatives later this week.
“Given the widespread use of medical marijuana, it is imperative that doctors better understand how it can be used to treat different people and conditions, as well as the risks involved,” Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), one of the amendment’s sponsors, gave details to The Huffington Post. “Our amendment shows members of Congress with widely varying views on marijuana policy are united in support of building a robust body of scientific information on medical marijuana.”

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