The move to legalize marijuana across various states in the US has proved to be a hit. Legal cannabis has been front and center for quite some time now. Marijuana legalization has developed opportunities for those looking to get involved. Beyond cultivation and distribution, many scientists are looking to further the development of cannabis testing. Many feared that legal marijuana might encourage teens towards consuming marijuana, but studies actually imply the opposite.

Marijuana Survey Says

A survey was conducted with the help of the biennial youth health. It was a study of over 1.4 million adolescents during the time period of 1993 – 2017. In between this time frame, the US had seen 27 states embracing medicinal marijuana. While 7 other states want lawful regulations for recreational use. The study suggests that medicinal marijuana had no impact on the number of teens abusing marijuana.  And the recreational laws brought about some changes as implied by the 9% fall of infrequent marijuana use.

The Fall Of Teen Marijuana Use

Being That this was a controlled testing environment the end result would imply the fall in teens using marijuana. The study shows that the law requires age proof to purchase marijuana. It’s been said medical dispensaries could replace the drug lords. Biologist Nathan Lents suggests the drop in the numbers is due to the elimination of the stigma around cannabis. The stigma is marijuana being harmful. Especially if teens break laws to use it. It’s been said the increased awareness around marijuana might have led to the drop of numbers. The info on the study is limited. Limited due to the fact that it fails to correlate the fall of teens using marijuana. Moreover, the country has been seeing a progressive decline for the past two decades. This means that recreational laws might have nothing to do with the 9% drop.

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