There will be no private marijuana clubs in Washington anytime in the near future. Lawmakers in Washington outlawed the development of such clubs, locations where individuals can go to legally enjoy the use of cannabis. The ban hit legal marijuana advocates by surprise.

In the waning days of the Washington legislative session, a change banning marijuana clubs was added to a bill, House Bill 2136, was being utilized to tweak the laws in regards to the Washington’s fledgling legal cannabis industry.

Among the things, House Bill 2136 added simplicity for taxes on cannabis, transitioning to a single point of sale tax and loosened the restriction on the place of marijuana businesses.

However, in the end, with the addition of Sect. 1401, the bill as well banned private marijuana clubs. And legal marijuana advocate Seattle City Lawyer Pete Holmes states it will not just be illegal to start such a business.
“ It makes it a felony to actually operate a business like this. Frankly, it’s a stupid provision and I think that it’s overkill,” Holmes said.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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