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In April, a petition-signing event was held in North Dakota in order to get two cannabis ballots on the ballot in November for the state. One measure is for medical use and the other one is for both medical and recreational use. In April, Brandon and Becky Muhs, a couple who run the Facebook page ‘North Dakota for Medical Cannabis’ were out collecting signatures and helping with the petitions.

“We have had that page for a couple years now, and are more on the educational/informative angle of it and consulting with people, seeing as it’s illegal. A lot of people don’t know the full spectrum of medicinal/nutritional benefits that cannabis provides,” Brandon said in an interview.

Eric Olson is who wrote the legalization initiative and was the chairperson of the committee circulating it. Olson believes that because he has made two initiatives, the chances of success will be much higher. According to him, measures will benefit substantially at the polls for having both. He believes in the success of the bills because there is a ton of support for marijuana from the general public. And he is right. Polls are now showing that now more than half the country supports legalizing marijuana.

“Personally, for myself, I’ve used cannabis for a number of years- over twenty-five; medicinally for ten,” Olson stated. “I didn’t realize all the properties that were involved. To me it’s important because people need the right to have the choice how they a) live, that’s their decision. More importantly for me is the medicinal angle because there’s a lot of people suffering; there’s a lot of people dying because of immoral and impractical, illogical laws and prohibitive culture, you know? And that’s not right.”

North Dakota will likely be voting on whether or not they would like to legalize marijuana in November.

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