Ignoring more than half of the Massachusetts voters who as of late voiced their objection towards Question 4, ten officials from the New England state gave their unequivocal backing for pot legalization on Thursday. Here are the ten Democrats that voiced their support as has been done for all major changes: Sen. Will Brownsberger (D-Belmont), Rep. David Rogers (D-Cambridge), Rep. Marjorie C Decker (D-Cambridge), Rep. Tom Sannicandro (D-Framingham), Sen. Pat Jehlen (D-Cambridge), Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton), Rep. Michael Moran (D-Brighton), Rep. Jay Livingstone (D-Boston), Rep. Brian Mannal (D-Centerville), and Rep. Mary Keefe (D-Worcester).

Striking, daring, and referring to the requirement for “social justice,” notwithstanding another income hotspot for The Codfish State, each of the ten representatives have voiced their opinions for the headway of the 420-movement, and also the reality of the situation. Indicating the societal bloodletting brought about by the feds’ savagely idiotic arrangement, Rep. Rogers recognized the terrible little truth about preclusion.

“Despite decades of current policy, nothing has changed and the time has long since come to take a more realistic approach,” Rogers stated. “By regulating and taxing the sale of marijuana in the Commonwealth we will allow law enforcement to focus on serious crimes, raise substantial revenue, and all but eliminate a dangerous black market.”

In addition, seeking true ‘Justice’ rather than the selfishness and prison-corruption, Rep. Decker commented.

“While one may not personally approve of marijuana use, we have a responsibility to look at its regulation in a broader context,” Decker decided to chime in on the issue. The current rules are in stark contrast to how other legal drugs, such as alcohol, are regulated. I also believe this new form of regulation will improve the education of young people about all types of drug use.”

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