Marijuana Stocks

The Current State of the Cannabis Sector

As we’ve begun 2020 after a tumultuous 2019 it’s important to remember that the cannabis sector is still uniquely positioned to make & break the dreams of investors. To put it into perspective when this site was first created there were 11 companies listed on the site, all of which were penny stocks.

Today the sector is roughly 300 companies strong as the sector emerges from the shadows of illegality & into the mainstream of a legal market. While we aren’t quite there yet in terms of federal legalization, we are close. Over 60% of states have some form of legalization on the books with more states adopting laws backed by 67% support from citizens to legalize. Currently, this emerging market has the support of investors, entrepreneurs and Wall Street which can create the perfect storm for the next wave into the next few years.

What the Future of the Cannabis Sector Looks Like with US Fed Legalization

In the United States, we have made a quantum leap in cannabis & industrial hemp since 2013. To give you an idea, in 2014 the entirety of the cannabis & hemp market was valued at $1.3 billion dollars & has gone 10x since then. Hemp is now federally legal, big pharma, big tobacco, and big alcohol are all on board, staunch anti-cannabis politicians are flipping and banking legislation is now on the table.

All of which will have a dramatic impact on this emerging market. This year alone the cannabis industry as a whole in the United States as it relates to employment is on track to outpace all manufacturing jobs. Banking regulation is the next domino to fall for the industry with the Safe Banking Act which will offer protections for entrepreneurs in the space but also allow for more institutional investment into companies that a few years ago were shunned by the same institutions & forced to bootstrap it in other ways.

Multi-State Operators or MSO’s as they are called, are set to enter a golden age where they can list on major exchanges instead of being forced onto less liquid exchanges like the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE). If people were excited about Canada before it went legal, they should be falling off their chairs in anticipation of the United States’ next phase. Why, might you ask?

The population in Canada is roughly 40 million people and the population in the United States is ten times that. As we have seen with financial reporting and the revenues being produced by some of the MSO’s dwarfing companies in Canada that have 10x the market cap. Dare we at Marijuana Stocks say, the MSO’s will far outpace the LP’s in Canada, which is pretty exciting given we are not yet federally legal.

We All Have a Choice…

We can all wait for a catalyst or we can be the catalyst #WEARETHECATALYST

The cannabis industry has always been one built on a counter-culture in direct opposition of the boomers and their parents that bought the talking point that cannabis is bad, hemp is bad and it will just rot your brain. Now the boomers are some of the fastest-growing demographic of consumers of cannabis, CBD, and users of hemp-related products, but at the heart of this sector its always been about the people that could see the forest for the trees.

Pot stocks weren’t really a thing 10 years ago and it took a small group of investors & traders like myself to see where industry had the capability to go. I’ve always looked at investing in simple terms with one question in mind: where will we be in 10 years in terms of progress?

Think about it, legalization is a natural next step. This is why #WeAreTheCatalyst, it’s simple really, either you’re taking an educated gamble on risk-reward or you’re not. Could you imagine investing in alcohol after prohibition? I feel investing in cannabis & industrial hemp is the exact same thing, right now. Since none of us have a time machine, our time is now?

Something Big is Coming!

Over the next few weeks, if not sooner, we at Marijuana Stocks will have a big announcement that will offer the cannabis investment community a reason to get excited about Marijuana Stocks and the potential of this budding industry!


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