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CEN Biotech Shareholder Letter

MADISON HEIGHTS, MI– Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: FITX).

To address the unfortunate events at the Town of Lakeshore Town Council meeting last night, we wish to address our shareholders and the general public.

To clarify, and in fact, a number of media outlets have since retracted earlier press reports surrounding our facility in the Town of Lakeshore, the motion granted at last night’s meeting surmounted around “NEW” facilities that intend to apply under the Federal Regulated MMPR Program. This motion did not affect our current position with the Town of Lakeshore and the facility that was granted permits to build as verified by the Town earlier this year.

As a company, we must say we do not condone the use of verbal condemnation amongst our neighbors against each other in the Town, and we were disturbed by some of the acts of some that required our Town Council to call upon the OPP to assist and ensure order was retained during the motion. We ask our neighbours to respect one another as our Town and municipality evolves into a more prosperous community for all to benefit from.

Again, we assert the motion before Town Council was regarding NEW facilities within their jurisdiction. As we understand the Town’s position surrounding our facility and we have since provided historical chronological evidence pertaining our facility to date, we remain insistent on our reservation of rights and allowance by the Town thereof, to allow that construction a year prior.

As previous case law and potential precedent setting declarations have been made by other senior political officials even in BC in June of this year, such as the Agriculture Minister overriding the re-zoning of medical marijuana into industrial zones as it was and always will be considered a crop and the insistence legal ‘grow ops’ are acceptable use of agricultural lands. We also maintain that position as the only appropriate use to ensure quality of medicinal products for patients and ensure no contamination can happen from industrial facilities that would affect our operations, patients, product, and the ultimate health of the general public.

We look forward to working with our neighbors and the Town to regulate our facility on agricultural lands and we are ever so confident a working balance will be achieved as a number of towns, municipalities, provinces and even federally, we are all embarking on setting the trends and protocols necessary to facilitate the maximum protection to the public on this new commercial venture, while ensuring our community, friends and family can benefit from our corporate investment, world class expertise and roadmap moving forward.

About CEN Biotech
CEN Biotech, Inc. was established in 2013 as a partially owned subsidiary of Creative Edge Nutrition (PINKSHEETS: FITX) for the sole purpose of supplying the Canadian public with pharmaceutical-grade medical cannabis under the newly established Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR). CEN Biotech Inc. has submitted a comprehensive application to become a licensed producer (LP) of dried marihuana for medicinal purposes and has received a ready-to-build approval from Health Canada.

About Creative Edge Nutrition, Inc.
Creative Edge Nutrition is a holding company and a Nutritional Supplement Company focused on developing innovative, high quality supplements. The company offers a broad spectrum of capsules, tablets, and powders, as well as science based products in the principal categories of weight management, nutrition challenges, energy and fitness. The Company manufactures under strict GMP guidelines at GMP Certified and/or FDA registered facilities. and

William Swalm
(212) 584-4342
Email Contact

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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