In spite of the fact that the City of Tampa as of late endorsed a mandate decriminalizing little measures of cannabis, numerous nearby law organizations say they plan to keep tossing stoners behind bars. A report from WFLA News Chanel 8 in Florida demonstrates that the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, which manages the city of Tampa and its remote regions, declines to perceive another decriminalization mandate that permits police just to issue a citation to anybody discovered holding under 20 grams of pot.

Rather, the province’s chief enforcement agency has urged its officers that cannabis ownership stays against state law, and that implies compelling guilty parties to reply to criminal charges. To aggravate matters, Hillsborough County prosecutors say that the greater part of the neighborhood law requirement organizations have their backing with regards to incarcerating individuals for marijuana.

“If the sheriff’s office or the highway patrol or whatever agency, does issue a criminal charge on a marijuana within the city limits of Tampa and they refer it to us, we will treat it as a criminal charge just like we always have,” Hillsborough State Attorney spokesman Mark Cox stated.

“Incarcerating people, particularly young people, for a very small amount of marijuana absolutely alters their career path for the rest of their life,” Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn said.

“Let’s talk about Tampa Stadium. They’re at a football game, they have a small amount of pot, a sheriff’s deputy, is he going to follow the city ordinance or the county ordinance, I’m not sure about that,” city council chair Mike Suarez added.

Suarez is quick to highlight that any decision to incarcerate someone for small marijuana possession, no matter if it is a county sheriff’s deputy or an officer of the highway patrol is completely up to the officer.

“State law at this level of a misdemeanor allows you to have a fine as opposed to jail time, that’s allowed under state law,” he stated.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
1 comment
  1. Too many times people misunderstand decrim. The police still want your deeds and your money. Cops have not cared about laws for many years. Unless of course you’re the law breaker. The police have been raping the Constitution and the laws of the states with impunity.

    In my state of NC decrim was several years ago. The cops just don’t bust dealers anymore. They set up wifi cameras and trace tags of buyers. If you own something they want they’ll stake you out and w/o a warrant search your car for hairs and hairbrushes,peep into your windows and sniff 24/7.

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