This Saturday kicked off the weekend of weed for the State of Colorado at the Denver Civic Center Park on its way to an epic celebration for this past Sunday’s and today’s 420 Rally.

From the throw-back retro and psychedelic clothing to cannabis themed distributors as the Denver Civic Center Park who welcomes supporters from all over, to embrace the marijuana movement and culture. Rick Ross was in attendance for this major event and was said to hit the stage for a performance at exactly 4:20 pm Sunday afternoon.

“Our goal is to create a positive environment for users to share stories, learn about the industry and create informed opinions on the remaining issues facing the industry,” Miguel Lopez, who is the rally founder, announced in a statement.

This past Saturday, a large group of people who attended this event were doing just that. A founding member at Modolo Consulting, Lauren Croucher , who was carrying out  her research for the new firm, is dedicating focus to the marijuana industry.

“You don’t often get to see the birth of an industry right in your backyard,” Mrs.Croucher stated, “This is a great chance to meet new folks and see what’s new in the industry.”

The real 420 officially starts  today, however a new city moratorium on 3 day events prohibited the people who threw the 420 rally to keep the celebration going past the weekend. City officials are stating Lopes is trying to plan an event today for Civic Center park.


MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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