Despite the marijuana being legal for recreational use in the Mile High City of Denver, for over a year now, there are definitely still those that are opposed to it. This is especially true for those that work in the District Attorney’s Office in Denver

The Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey has led the updating of conduct policies for those who work in his office. The updated conduct policy states that it an offense punishable by termination for an employee to profit from “income derived from a household member’s ownership or financial interest in, or employment by” the cannabis industry.

Morrissey is under the opinion that because the federal government still has not regulated the use of or sale of marijuana recreationally, then none of the employees of his office will have any association with the business of it.

“Each one of my deputies is sworn to uphold state and federal law. This puts my office in an ethical dilemma,” Morrissey said. “We don’t prosecute federal statutes, but we still take that oath — and that oath still means something to me. The fact that the federal government doesn’t do its job is not my business.”

Morrissey said he never wants to be accused of an unfair bias in a legal case, because one of his employees had a connection to legal weed.

The policy from the DA’s office says: “The Denver District Attorney’s Office expects and requires its employees to abide by all local, state and federal laws at all times. Notwithstanding Colorado Constitutional Amendments 20 and 64, marijuana remains illegal under federal laws. The use, possession, cultivation or sale of marijuana by employees, on or off duty, is strictly prohibited. Employees of this office are prohibited from having any ownership or financial interest in, or being employed by, any retail or wholesale establishment involved in the sale of marijuana or marijuana products. Likewise, no employee of this office may benefit from income derived from a household member’s ownership or financial interest in, or employment by, such a retail or wholesale establishment.”

The office also requires that employees report if any family members or themselves are involved in a drunk driving incident.

Many drug-free policies remain up to the choice of the employer. It will remain unseen as to if this case will end up being challenged in a court of law, or if it will stay as it is.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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