Before entering this incredibly terrifying topic, we should first make sure we see things the same way. If a ratio goes from 1 out a 20, to 1 out of 3, that means the outcome is more common. Now, if the goal is to be less frequent then there is something wrong as there is a 666% increase of occurrence, that’s a fitting number. Chances are I haven’t introduced any new concept to you here; more than likely there are even a few of you questioning reading on, stick with me for a moment. I use such a simplistic approach to introduce this topic because our Federal Government is attempting to state we have come a long way with cancer treatment and are on a positive track. When in reality, these ratios depict the growth in cancer rates from the turn of the century to our current times, according to Health Impact News (HIN). How can we even pretend to believe our ‘solutions’ are anything of the sort? A solution by definition is solving a problem not making things worse. Why would the ‘Big Pharma’ want this to continue? Well, logic isn’t always pretty, but here it is the bitter truth, money.

Over time, those in power in our medical fields have systematically set the proverbial chess board in such a way to always be in their favor. One example of this is the concept that cancer is a genetic disease. This leads research towards the genetics route, systems such as the infamous stem-cell research and patient specific medicines. Both of which are new areas of science and therefore are extremely expensive and seem to carry a value that represents a good use of the billions of dollars. How can we say any different; we don’t know, but if it will cure cancer then let’s do- it right? With the recent uptrend of Medical Marijuana activists, acceptances and bits of research finally being administered, a new solution is on the horizon. Why has this not been investigated before? Well same as the previous answer, money. Don’t make any mistake- the health care industry is the largest business in our country and for that matter in the world. They make their money on the sick not the healthy. They make their money on the development of more and more ‘advanced’ drugs, as these of course should cost that much more with everything that had to be done to create them. It is not in the best interest to investigate any natural homeopathic cures. Where is the money in that? This is the detrimental situation we are in.

Terrifying in my view, the biggest business looking to grow and expand, profiting off of the sick. The more advanced the solutions the more profitable their industry becomes. There is no pressure for a simple solution. There is no regulation preventing this process from occurring. The only regulations restrict any other path of research; therefore we are in a cycle that will only increase this ratio. Who’s ready for 1 out of 2, or 2 out of 3? This is where this current structure is directing us. We must take care of ourselves at this point, and continue to push for new systems of research, this archaic system isn’t benefiting patients in need.

The next wave may just change the results. Medical-Marijuana has already begun to astound people, show promise & get results. There are medical practitioners out there that see the opportunity as well as the benefits to offer meaningful care to patients instead of prescribing patients poison that treats the symptoms rather then targeting the problems. Cannabis has been effective at treating a wide range of ailments from Epilepsy in children to post traumatic stress disorder in our veterans, as well as many many more things that BigPharma doesn’t want you to know.

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