For those of you who haven’t heard, the UFC has been the source of some serious controversy. UFC Welterweight Nick Diaz tested positive for…..WEED…OH NO! Granted it was his third offense but really? Weed? The real controversy stems from a 5 year suspension as the byproduct of these findings.

With UFC193 coming up soon, the champ (women’s champ) made her stance known. Ronda Rousey said that she was very much opposed to testing for marijuana and even went as far to say that it’s an invasion of privacy, having nothing to do with performance inside the cage.

A reporter had asked about hardships Rousey had overcome earlier in her career and completely flipped the script on the reporter once again redirecting attention back to Diaz and his “situation”. “It really pales in comparison to how unfair it is that Nick [Diaz] got a five-year suspension,” Rousey said. “I’m sorry, but it’s so not right for him to be suspended 5 years for marijuana. I’m against testing for weed at all. It’s not a performance-enhancing drug. And it has nothing to do with competition. It’s only tested for political reasons…It’s not Dana’s [UFC Head] decision either; he had nothing to do with it. I’m sure if he’d had the choice he would have given him a lot less. I don’t think marijuana should be a part of the conversation at all. I think it’s an invasion of privacy for them to test for it, and they have no right.”

But you don’t have to take our word for it, just push play:

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