As Malia Obama, one of President Obama’s two daughters enters into adulthood, she has caught the attention of some admirers and wannabe gentleman who are all too eager to ask the Prez for her hand in marriage, Yes, she is only 17 however, that’s not preventing men from everywhere around the globe from offering a dowry of different livestock to sweeten the deal. One Jamaican farmer, however, saw the African attorneys proposed wedding gift of 50 cows, 70 sheep, and 30
goats and thought, “Oh, I can easily beat that offer.”

His proposal? In exchange for the First Daughter joining his 17 year old son on the path to marriage, Roy Chambers has offered his 10 acre marijuana farm to President Obama. Chambers heavily believes that Malia and his son would be the “perfect couple” that he is willing to gift an estimated yield of 25,000 pounds of marijuana plants, or 5,750 pounds of bud, to the Commander in Chief.
With the assumption of Colorado’s recent wholesale price of close to $1800 per pound of retail marijuana, this marriage proposition could be worth and outstanding $10.3 million
There have been details on what strain Chambers is cultivating maybe Presidential OG however after crunching the numbers, it looks like a much better deal than a hodgepodge of livestock.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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