By: Curtis Davis –Owner, The Occult Network

Marijuana legalization would fuel the U.S. economy like no other industry has before, here’s how…

Marijuana legalization nationwide would generate multi billions of dollars annually based on the enormous amount of marijuana users in the United States. Not to mention the tremendous entrepreneurial opportunities for cannabis growers and sellers.

The Food Industry will be the primary beneficiary of marijuana legalization due to marijuana’s appetite enhancing qualities, aka “The Munchies”. This will increase the revenue of the Food Industry tremendously which means food company stocks will soar into the stratosphere.

This will result in more jobs created and those companies being able to pay their employees “higher” salaries(no pun intended). That obviously means a dramatic decrease in the unemployment rate and tremendous return on investment rates for the owners of stocks anf bonds in food industry companies.

If you already own or decide to purchase stocks and/or bonds in Food Industry companies when marijuana is legalized nationwide you will be literally set for life. The value of these investments will NEVER decrease and will only INCREASE.

Food industry companies will literally dominate the Fortune 500, not to mention the many multi-millionaires and billionaires that will appear on the Forbes 400 list as s result of legalization. With increased prosperity will come increased consumer spending and investments, which will fuel other industries as well.

The Health and Fitness will benefit especially due to increased food consumption because of marijuana use and American citizens not wanting to become overweight. Vanity reigns in the United States, which means an increase in gym and health spa memberships. Needless to say this will result in increased entrepreneurial opportunities in the Health and Fitness Industry and increased revenue for gym and health spa owners.

This also equates to more jobs, healthier people are more productive people. With the dramatic increase in revenue the U.S. Government will be able to lower taxes, and just as it did with liquor legalization which put an end to Prohibition it removes the “criminal element” from the equation. This will result in less crowded prisons and more people available to work that were once shut out of the workforce due to marijuana arrests and failed “drug” tests.

Lastly tremendous import opportunities with other countries that are known for cannabis growth and production will emerge. Which means more jobs due to increased governmental and corporate revenue.

Washington, D.C. and Wall Street both need to get together and THINK ON THIS.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
  1. Biomass substitute for corn aka ethanol, rotational crop that benefits the soil in the end, 1 acre of hemp equals 4 acres of mature trees, hemp seed high in nutrional vegetable oils… and many other reasons that are not based on “the munchies”. You should be “stoned.”… (the pun is intended when separated with quotation marks..also this one was a double entendre.)

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