On Tuesday, May 10th, presidential election results in the Philippines and the pompous and crime-stopping Rodrigo Duterte seems to be the new president. It is not official as of right now, but Mar Roxas, the opposition, has already accepted the loss. At the moment, Duterte is the mayor of Davao City, which has received a ton of “death-squad terror” in the last few years.

The paramilitary groups are putting together a reaction to crime and drug systems on the island, but environmentalists and leaders of the lower class have likewise been focused on. Duterte has been named as a driving force of the paramilitaries and positively gets straight to the point regarding his bigoted position on drug use.

“All of you who are into drugs, you sons of bitches, I will really kill you,” Duterte said to a very supportive audience while rallying around the country. “I have no patience, I have no middle ground, either you kill me or I will kill you idiots.”

The new president has won some telling handles, including “Duterte Harry” (a reference to Clint Eastwood’s character, Dirty Harry), “The Punisher,” and the “Trump of the Philippines”— this last one a reference to his propensity to attack women in order to make an audience laugh. But his assault jokes are thrown in a great deal more evil light given his evident connections to real human rights abominations.

Duterte has spoken on whether he really commands the paramilitaries. Be that as it may, in an interview with a nearby TV station last year, he straightforwardly conceded his connection to the famous Davao Death Squad (DDS).

“They say I am the death squad? True, that is true,” Duterte announced.

The DDS is professedly in charge of the slaughtering of more than 1,000 suspected offenders in the city since Duterte got to be mayor in 1988.

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1 comment
  1. He’s going after shabu dealers, not marijuana. He’s on record for saying that he supports medical marijuana.

    ““I will not deprive the Filipino of the benefits of medical MARIJUANA””

    While I disagree with making shabu criminal rather than a medical issue, let’s at least be honest about his stance on medical marijuana.

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