Today is 420 and with many rally’s going on throughout the United states and Canada some marijuana users will be doing more than just getting high.

Some cannabis supporters in Canada and the U.S. are utilizing this unofficial marijuana celebration to declare an end to federal bans on marijuana. Many supporters showed up in Denver this past weekend for the annual 4/20 festival to buy cannabis themed products, live entertainment and what they all came for, a good smoke session. A political rally in Vancouver, British Columbia, which will focus its attention towards pot is scheduled for today.

An estimated 125,000 people were in attendance for the 420 event in Denver this past weekend, according to the Denver Post. “It’s a well-rounded atmosphere,” Miguel Lopez, the event’s founder, stated to the Post. “There are people here from all financial backgrounds…We push all the 4/20 rallies to head there to extend the national, grassroots narrative that’s been going on for 45 years.”

Medicinal cannabis is now legal in 23 states and the District of Columbia 4 of which permit recreational use. Cannabis enthusiast of marijuana legalization in America stated that while cannabis will probably stay illegal at the federal standpoint for at least another 10 years, they assume states will will progress forward with legalizing cannabis for either recreational or medical purposes.

If you head further north, in Canada, the staff who is putting on the annual 420 rally located at Vancouver’s Art Gallery stated this year’s upcoming celebration will be very significant because of the federal election that is approaching fall of 2016. The rally has gone with the theme “Grow the Vote” and the event staff say they will be promoting and encouraging people to register to vote according to News 1130. However  recreational use of marijuana is still prohibited on a federal level but medicinal cannabis is now legal in Canada.

“Policy costs of enforcing prohibition against marijuana are astronomical,” Craig Jones of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in Canada stated to CKNW AM radio. “All they do is clog the courts, and saddle otherwise law-abiding people with criminal records. The police figured this out a long time ago and because Vancouver is Vancouver, they figured it out a lot earlier in Vancouver than they did in the rest of Canada.”

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