
The legal marijuana industry has largely been dependent on the progression of new laws over the past few decades. With states taking on the power to create laws in favor of cannabis legalization, it seems as though a new era has dawned upon us. Legislative measures are continuing to happen throughout the nation at record speed, and the future of the weed industry is following suit.

A new deal has officially been made with President Donald Trump and the Colorado Republican Senator Cory Gardner. The deal could potentially help to solve some of the issues with marijuana legislation on the federal level. Back in January when Jeff Sessions the Attorney General, rescinded a piece of Obama Era legislation, Gardner retaliated by holding up the nominations for the Justice Department. This action by Gardner has helped to pressure Sessions into reversing his decision. In the meantime, Gardner and Trump have agreed that the national government will effectively refrain from prosecuting marijuana sellers and those who are legally involved in the industry. Gardner stated in a press release that “President Trump has assured me that he will support a federalism-based legislative solution to fix this states’ rights issue once and for all.”

Thus far, nine states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use, with many more having laws in place to allow the consumption of medicinal cannabis. Major players in the industry such as California, Colorado and Washington have all been paving the way for the market to continue its exponential growth into the near future.

One of the hardest parts of the current fight for marijuana reform is Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Sessions has promised that he will continue the war on drugs, which has by many peoples standards, failed miserably. The current war on drugs has only led to mass incarceration of individuals who often do not deserve it, as well as a large opioid crisis. Marijuana seems as though it is the last thing to worry about, yet Sessions is continuing to fight against it. If the national government were to allow states to officially decide whether or not they would like to legalize marijuana, it would effectively make it extremely easy for the industry to grow. This would also have a positive effect on the government as they likely could reap some tax benefits from the market itself.

Although Trump has promised from day one of his campaign to ensure that states have the power, he has been the least bit transparent about his plans for the cannabis market. The one thing that remains in the air is how long the deal with Gardner will last. The market has a large chance at progressing, but the issues surrounding the federal stance on cannabis are continuing to halt growth efforts.

Over the next few years, it seems promising that there would be some sort of positive legislation put in place to help end some of the mass confusion that currently resides in the industry. As it currently stands, many business owners and those who work in the market, are unsure of how legal it really is. The government stance on the national level remains extremely unclear and non-transparent to the public whatsoever. The hopes are high that over the course of the next few years, the government will be able to clarify this legislation and make some sort of positive change for the market. It is clear that the population of the U.S. is very interested in seeing cannabis made legal, but now the choice resides with the federal government.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | new@marijuanastocks.com
1 comment
  1. Back in January when Jeff Sessions rescinded the Cole memo a lot of members of Congress spoke out against it. Congress has the power to pass the Marijuana Justice Act but has done nothing. It’s up to them to get off their collective butt and end this once and for all. Talk is cheap but actions speak louder than words.

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