UPDATE! Leafbuyer Technologies, Inc. (LBUY) Launches Upgraded Blog Site After 900% Growth in Six Months
Unless you’ve been living off the grid, there is a more than likely chance you’ve heard that the Marijuana Industry is experiencing rapid growth across the United States.
While support for federal legalization of marijuana continues to strongly increase, a small group of legal marijuana companies are strategically placing themselves in the position to reap the financial benefits on this fast-growing trend in a really big way.
“The Priceline of Pot” and a “Game Changer” for the Marijuana Industry: How Smart Investors Are Seeing Green
Many analysts agree that Legalized Marijuana is soon to become the next big gold rush as it continues to expand at a fast pace across the United States.
Needless to say, intelligent entrepreneurs are racing to stake their claim in this hopeful new industry. The “Green Gold Rush” is quickly producing copious amounts of opportunities for people looking for jobs in the industry such as growers, retailers, wholesalers, shippers, fertilizers, accessories, as well as baking edibles. In other words, this is only the start!
Sadly, many investors have little to no knowledge about legalized marijuana and because of this, they are simply not set up to take advantage of the opportunity to start a new business in this emerging industry.
Fortunately, there are other ways that could be considered an easier for the average investor to make impressive returns investing in the public markets. One good example is Leafbuyer Technologies, Inc. (OTC: LBUY). This company is stationed out of Denver, Colorado and has become a well-established industry leader and is currently poised to profit from several, if not all spaces of the booming legalized marijuana sectors.
Many individuals who profited in a major way during the California Gold Rush of 1849, were not even gold miners. Many savvy entrepreneurs were able to become millionaires by creating successful companies that provided prospectors and miners with important services and supplies.
Actually, California’s first millionaire was a man by the name of Sam Brannan, a once-Mormon who exaggerated the Gold Rush in his newspaper, The California Star. He then turned a profit from the Gold Rush by supplying miners—at hefty cost—through his general stores in San Francisco and Sacramento. For a time, Brannan’s sales topped $5,000 a day. So you have a better idea That’s the equivalent of $125,000 in today’s dollars.
Not only has Leafbuyer Technologies, Inc. (OTC: LBUY) been identified as a “game-changer” by NBC, but it has also been called the “The Priceline of Pot” by thestreet.com.
Why might some ask? Well, because (OTC: LBUY) has built themselves up to be a trusted online resource for finding legal marijuana deals and specials. The company’s website, Leafbuyer.com, helps unite millions of consumers with marijuana shops and suppliers all over the USA.
If you can recall what Priceline.com did for the global travel industry? That is exactly what Leafbuyer.com potentially could do for the booming legal marijuana industry.
So How Big is the Legalized Marijuana Opportunity?
Info taken from Forbes magazine says that North American Marijuana sales increased by 30% to an extraordinary 6.7 BILLION dollars. They also predict North American sales are forecasted to surpass 20 Billion dollars by 2021. That’s a yearly combined growth rate of 25%. Just so you have an idea this growth rate is bigger and speedier than the dot-com era growth rate of 22%.
this depicts one of the most compelling industries for investors that we have seen in over 10 years
And if that wasn’t sufficient enough to grab your ears and eyes, you’ll be thrilled to know that with Canada, recently legalizing recreational marijuana, talks about sparking a brand new $22.6-billion industry have been circulating. A new study also implies that the Canadian pot industry will easily exceed the sale of beer, wine, and spirits combined.
A soon-to-be-released Deloitte report entitled “Recreational Marijuana: Insights and Opportunities”, came to the conclusion that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s legalization of marijuana next year could add much-needed fuel to Canada’s lagging economy.
*DISCLAIMER* Pursuant to an agreement between MIDAM VENTURES, LLC an affiliate of MAPH Enterprises, LLC owner of MarijuanaStocks.com and Leafbuyer Technologies, Inc, we were hired for a period from 2/2/2018 – 5/2/2018 to publicly disseminate information about (LBUY) including on the Website and other media including Facebook and Twitter. We are being paid $100,000 (CASH) for & were paid “77,000” shares of restricted common shares. We own zero shares of (LBUY), which we purchased in the open market. Once the (6) Six month restriction is complete on 8/2/2018 we plan to sell the “77,000” shares of (LBUY) that we hold currently in restricted form during the time the Website and/or Facebook and Twitter Information recommends that investors or visitors to the website purchase without further notice to you. We may buy or sell additional shares of (LBUY) in the open market at any time, including before, during or after the Website and Information, provide public dissemination of favorable Information. FULL DISCLAIMER HERE
55 replies on ““The Priceline of Pot” and a “Game Changer” for the Marijuana Industry: How Smart Investors Are Seeing Green”
How can I invest?
I want in
I cant find a brokerage thats sells cannabis. Could you tell me where i can buy these ?
Edward Jones Stock Brokers is a good, reputable seller. I use them.
Tammy, open up you’re very own account at TD Ameritrade. You an buy and sell cannabis stocks there. Right now, brokers are not allowed to sell these kinds of stocks.
I use Fidelity and Ameritrade
You can buy most Pot/Marijuana stocks as well as penny stocks at TD Ameritrade. You DO NOT need to have a large account. You can open your account with $50 if you want. Call them and get the info OR just set up your on-line account in a matter of minutes. It’s a very easy and simple process to do this. I just did it back in February. You have complete control over what stocks you want to buy. For penny stocks, you may need to have a little more money in your account because of the high chances of volatility that often comes with penny stocks. Hope this little bit of info helps you. I’m not a professional, just an every day investor with a small amount of money to invest. LT
I buy mine through my bank,I made an appointment and set up my own trading account simple and secure .
Try Schwab that is who I use to buy cannabis stocks
I opened an account with E*TRADE with no minimum to open and they have all the pot symbols. Go to the E*TRADE website and type any stock symbol to see for yourself.
E*TRADE is one of the brokers with no minimum to open and they have all the pot symbols.
Just Google blockchain stocks….AND THEN DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE in researching each and every one of them. I’ve won and lost on a few of them.
CODE is Blockchain and its only ten cents a share and I am buying 1000 tomorrow . I would buy today but the Stock exchange is closed right now.
what marijuana penny stocks would you think is the best buy and how would i get a broker to buy it for me. thanks Mr.bud knox
I use Edward Jones Stock Brokers, a good, reputable company. They told me to steer clear of penny stocks unless you can afford to lose your money. Too risky.
If your looking for free advice there is a fortune to be made in this secrete limited to this last up and coming vote this summer be where of paid advertising investment sights
Can you please let me know how to purchase marijuana stocks please
Good grief…buy it yourself on line…just join a brokerage firm as a customer…right on your computer, man…and start investing.
So just wondering, why couldn’t someone else provide the same information like tomorrow?
Why is marijuana is a game changer, it hits big steel(grow a car),timber industry (hemp fiber board),paper (hemp paper, 3 crops a year),cottom(blue jeans u could pass down to your grandkids, medicine,fuel(bio-diesel). Plus the 20,000 other products u can make from from hemp. We would’nt have to cut down a another tree. Too much money would be lost by the Old Money.
I just recently sold 25 shares of lbuy,i am just starting to understand that this market is revving up.I probably should of kept it.The hype is get in now even though the Calf market is slower than stated and The Canada market will not take off as quickly as stated.It’s taken me the value of my account addedby the same 1 plus 1 equals what it will take me to start to see any profit.Maintain the daily plus or minus before these markets start to produce.So as i have gotten involved in the pot gold rush,I am going to have to pan daily50dollars into a million.
Can you tell me a good investment company that allows you to purchase penny stocks and mmj stock without having to have a few thousand dollars in an account just for investing?
How did you buy and sell pot stocks, I tried many firms and none will let me buy pot stocks even though my portfolio is filled with those kind of stocks, give me the best sound advice, cheers
26 Feb 2018
Can you tell me a good investment company that allows you to purchase penny stocks and mmj stock without having to have a few thousand dollars in an account just for investing?
You can buy small cap stocks as well as penny stocks at TD Ameritrade. You DO NOT need to have a large account. You can open your account with $50 if you want. Call them and get the info OR just set up your on-line account in a matter of minutes. It’s a very easy and simple process to do this. I just did it back in February. You have complete control over what stocks you want to buy. For penny stocks, you may need to have a little more money in your account because of the high chances of volatility that often comes with penny stocks. Hope this little bit of info helps you. I’m not a professional, just an every day investor with a small amount of money to invest. LT
I started with $100 and I am using Ameritrade.
TD Ameritrade.
I use E*TRADE FINANCIAL. I put in the dollar amount I want to trade plus what they charge for the service into my account when I decide to make a trade.
Never invested on anything, but I’m realy interested. HOW CAN I invest? I’m VERY interested. Thank you. Barbara
I bought & sold CARA on E-Trade. bought low sold high. Some marijuana I haven’t been able to buy;can’t get the working address …
I have account with Schwab I think you need 500.00 dollars but you can buy cannabas if you do your own trading its 4.95 a trade.
Where can I invest?
I am a start-up customer for legal u.s. weeds stocks.
I am trying to decide to OPEN an ACCOUNT with FIRSTRADE Penny Stocks On-Line Brokerage of U.S.
My Question is :
Tammy, Chris, barbara, use TD AMeritrade.. They let you buy OTC and pink sheet MJstocks on your own, but you need their broker to buy the MJ ETFs . no account minimums, easy setup, $6.95 trades and broker help always available. Lots of learning tools available too. check out CRONO, it has had some drops last couple weeks, but should easily rebound minimum 20%, and it is the only Mj stock on NASDAQ.
HOW CAN I BUY SOCKS NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can buy small cap stocks as well as penny stocks at TD Ameritrade. You DO NOT need to have a large account. You can open your account with $50 if you want. Call them and get the info OR just set up your on-line account in a matter of minutes. It’s a very easy and simple process to do this. I just did it back in February. You have complete control over what stocks you want to buy. For penny stocks, you may need to have a little more money in your account because of the high chances of volatility that often comes with penny stocks. Hope this little bit of info helps you. I’m not a professional, just an every day investor with a small amount of money to invest. LT
I own lbuy now what price selll at thanks earl
Fidelity.com allows MJ trading.
Who pays for these adds or are they actually being selected by your advisors?
Lbuy never blew up Pct as claimed it was a new stock it was overpriced for the time in the marijuana game came out in between rounds and should of never been offered on its first day go 10 cents and just like the others that have never turned a company profit ever would still give you a 100 Pct gain for the brief day leading up to the vote this being the last one of over 5 years of series money . I’m insulted slightly by this lbuy as well as the cannabis bio that spends all the money it raises in aids 3 people one science degree with 2 years out of college the hint of a absorb break threw patent yet no patent on file Priceline of pot that is a real stretch concidering Canadian govt signed a deal with Shopify” shop “ for all sakes to go threw them solving all software needs payments besides cash from dispensary to cultivators will be Going threw Shopify.
How about a correction before some people get stuck in that stock deeper then the 25 CT’s so far.
Advice sell off your miracle grow take advantage of Shopify lows due to facebooks blunder with the connections they share buy what ever you had in miracle grow at 110… a share will be back at 140 within the next few weeks then a few weeks before or when ever the govt regulates the companies to be tracked threw there Shopify will go over the 185.00 and continue on its way to replacing a lot of huge internet companies. Do the right thing if it’s a paid add be clear about it lbuy is useless and insulting being over .25 cent . Come on guy!
Your info on Leafbuy and vbio is very misleading Pct is interpetrd by gains and either there is a patent or there is not Lbuy hasn’t profited a penny as a company and still hasn’t even come close to its value per share which should be around .10 if this is a paid ad info sight you should be clear to the less than experienced from the cannabis sector . Investors should be aware there are a lot of 300pctand up gains this is not even in a positive gain position
I buy OTC marijuana stocks on eTrade but they are quite expensive @$6.95 per trade, I am going to try FirstTrade.com @$2.95 per trade.
Use Fidelity.com to open an account. You can trade any number of MJ stocks.
Barbara, just google penny stocks then search for marijuana or cannibus stocks Then start looking st the companies and make notes on some. Look up on line brokers. Select one, transfer some money and start your investments. It’s easy.
Filedity.com , open an acct and fund it with whatever you want. Call them and tell tjem you want to trade penny stocks, they will tell you it’s not recommended and you say ok, them they open up tjat area for you to trade and wala, you’re ready to buy penny stocks…
I’d like to get in on pot stocks thanks
I have 20 different marijuana stocks your broker is just a person that you could buy the socks to where you can find one online go to firstrade
Do you have to live in Canada to purchase stock? And Which penny stock company allow you to buy marijuana stocks?
How do I invest in the stocks, can’t find anyone that will help me.
How can i get start with i vesting 50 dollars a month or even 100 dollars a month. Im very interested and would like the opportunity to invest and learn more.
Any idea what analysists or you predict LBUY will reach. I own it and believe in it tremendously