The War on Drugs has been going on for several decades now with the intent of protecting the children of the United States, but a recent report decided to challenge this. The report – “What About the Children?” – suggests that efforts to fight the rising number of illicit drugs in the United States have actually done the opposite, sucking children into addiction and jail.

The new report published by Count the Costs, a global drug reform group, suggest that five decades of protesting against illicit drugs has resulted in entirely negative results. The report also shows that the DEA has forced the drug trade underground, which means that the United States has forced an environment of discrimination and racism. Even worse, the entire corrupt system has decided to spend billions of tax dollars to keep the war going.

The report then suggests that through covering up as public safety, young people have been singled out by a War on Drugs, which has merely yielded violence, struggles and leave Americans easily incarcerated under extreme conditions void of the opportunity to receive the “American dream.”

“This war, while declared in the name of protecting young people from the ‘drug threat,’ has ironically exposed them to far greater harm. The War on Drugs is, in reality, a war on people,” the report states.

Still, as the report highlights the ridiculousness of the war, there are still indications that this insanity may be largely held within if the United States would just act like states where marijuana has been legalized. Some of the most important stats from the Bureau of Justice suggest that most drug-related arrests are just for possession and not production.

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