Vaporizers have become the popular go to gadget for the modern-day marijuana consumer. First, let’s define What is vaporizing is? Simply, it is a way of activating the marijuana or concentrate without combustion. In other words, get high without fire. You inhale vapor, not smoke. For most marijuana users typically for beginners  vaporizers allow for a moderate, easier-to-control high compared to smoking.

Vaporizers have been around for a very long time, though the trend has taken off in the last decade or so. As the benefits of vaporization have become more understood by the masses, the variety of devices has been increasing. It seems you can’t walk down the street these days without seeing someone using the ubiquitous vape pen. These handy, low-cost devices are ideal for the on-the-go commuter or those wanting a few puffs throughout the day. Vape pens contain a concentrated oil that heats up just enough to create a thin, wispy vapor.

If you prefer using dried herb also known as the flower of the marijuana plant, consider giving vaping devices such as the Firefly 2 or the Pax a try. These units are not as easy to use as the vape pens, and the price may shock those on a tight budget. But for some enthusiasts, there is nothing better than vaping herb rather than oil. If you plan on vaping primarily at home, consider buying a pricier stationary unit. Brands such as the Volcano, VapeXhale Cloud EVO and the Herblizer are great plug-in vaporizers for home use, but are not portable enough for on-the-go vaping.

Herb or oil?

Personal preference is the key here. Oil-based vape pens are everywhere for a reason: portability, price, and availability. But for some of us, vaping ground-up herb provides a tastier experience. Here’s a suggestion: Try a vape pen first to see if it meets your needs. After a few months, you may want to try something another device.

Conduction or convection?

Conduction vaporizers are generally less expensive and easier to maintain. The vapor is released as a result of the low heat from the heating element.

Convection vaporizers push hot air from the heating element through the herb, releasing vapor without direct contact. These devices (the high-end Volcano, for example) are pricey, but are considered more effective in releasing the cannabinoids.

There is no standard way to vaporize. If you choose this method to enjoy your cannabis, take the time to find the form factor best suited to your personal needs. It’s your chance to find the perfect cannabis tool. Experiment. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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