We often hear of fowl play within our own system of rules and regulations set by people of power but more times then not we don’t witness the moves that impact their result.
In current events Federal prosecutors are stepping over the line, breaking federal medical marijuana laws on their road to seize two medical marijuana shops and lock up Washington patients with legal means to grow, two Congressmen were charged yesterday.
A letter that was released by U.S. Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and Sam Farr to lawyer General Eric Holder yesterday stating that the Department of Justice should cease
“marijuana prosecutions and forfeiture actions against those acting in accordance with state medical marijuana laws.”
The law clearly states that no revenue generated by the DOJ may be spent to “prevent [medical marijuana] States from implementing their own State laws that authorize the use, distribution, possession, or cultivation of medical marijuana.”
A little over a week ago a spokesman of the behalf of the DOJ released details to the Los Angeles Times in reference to providers and caregivers still remain a people of interest, even though a law in passed in December that de-funded the DOJ’s battle with state legal medical marijuana
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