The path to medical marijuana to Pennsylvania has been very difficult for all of the patients that have been fighting to convince the state to legalize the treatment option. However, Governor Tom Wolf decided to take the necessary steps over the weekend to stop prohibition, once and for all, by signing a medical marijuana program into law. As a result, Pennsylvania is the twenty-fourth state in the United States to legalize cannabis for medicinal purposes.

On Sunday, Wolf stood before a crowd of patients and proponents of medical marijuana at the State Capital. He called it a “great day for Pennsylvanians. When you have people who represent a cause as eloquently and in as heartfelt a way as the advocates for this have done, it shows that we can actually get something done that means something.”

The people of Pennsylvania that suffer from seventeen specific conditions, including cancer, Crohn’s disease, and severe chronic or intractable pain will now have the ability to go into any of Pennsylvania’s fifty licensed dispensers and buy full strength marijuana products. Alas, it could take a few years until the program is fully working. But for parents of children suffering from seizure disorders, there is a loophole written into the bill that gives them the freedom to have and utilize cannabis oil before the product is actually legal and distributed.

Very similar to the program that was launched at the beginning of this year by New York, patients with a note from a doctor shall not be allowed to use cannabis. The new law states that only various marijuana products will be ready, “including pill, oil, tinctures, and liquid forms that can be used in vaporizers.” In a push to make sure that nobody in Pennsylvania is using marijuana and calling it medicinal, people are not allowed to grow weed at home.

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