marijuana stocks news

Namaste announces 300% growth for August month-on-month revenue in its Canadian marketplace and 50% growth in its global platform

Namaste Technologies Inc. (“Namaste” or the “Company”) (TSXV:N.V) (M5BQ.F) (NXTTF) is pleased to announce that the Company has achieved a 300% month-on-month growth rate in its Canadian marketplace, in comparison with August of 2017, and 50% growth globally. In the month of August of 2018, the Company generated $1.65M in revenue which represents a 50% increase in revenue in comparison with August of 2017 after consideration of the loss of revenue due to Namaste divesting its US assets that were incorporated into its 2017 sales. The Company has also achieved over 300% growth on its Canadian websites, which now includes over 17,000 customers.

The Company has been focused on developing its Canadian market by enhancing its e-commerce platform and focusing on organic growth through content production, search-engine optimization (“SEO”) and in implementation of its proprietary AI technology through the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Findify AB (“Findify” or “”). With increased competition in the Canadian market, Namaste is pleased to have achieved such significant growth in a key market for the Company.

In anticipation of receiving Canada’s first medical cannabis “sales-only” license, under the guidelines of Health Canada’s Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (“ACMPR”), expansion of its Canadian platform including hardware sales as well as registered users in both NamasteMD (“”) and My Uppy Cannabis (“My Uppy”) Journal represent significant advances for the Company as it looks forward to launching cannabis sales into its Canadian e-commerce marketplace.

Further to its growth in the Company’s hardware business, Namaste, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries and revolutionary mobile apps, NamasteMD and My Uppy have seen significant growth through summer months. NamasteMD is Canada’s first fully-integrated online patient portal which provides convenient access to medical consultations for the purposes of patient acquisition for the Company. NamasteMD since its launch has acquired over 17,000 registered users, which will drive patient traffic and cannabis sales for the through the Company’s ACMPR Licensed Producer partners and through

The Company anticipates further acceleration of NamasteMD’s platform as it has now launched strategic marketing initiatives including its recent announcement and partnership with Breton CannaPharms which is focused on supporting various initiatives surrounding veteran communities and on providing free access to medical consultations through NamasteMD and in servicing veteran patients through a curated selection of cannabis products for veterans on Namaste also announced its partnership with the Indigenous Canadian Medical Dispensaries Group (“ICMD”) whereby the Company is focused on providing healthcare access to urban and remote Indigenous community members across the country.

Namaste is also pleased with the growth of AI-driven cannabis journaling app, My Uppy. In less than 2 months since its launch, My Uppy has been downloaded over 15,000 times by users around the globe. Leveraging Namaste’s international presence and database of over 1.5 Million customers, My Uppy is focused on collecting user feedback as it relates to the use and effects of various strains of cannabis, which provides data to feed Findify’s AI algorithms that together will revolutionize strain recommendations by selecting specific strains for patients based on their conditions and previous use which is being integrated with

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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