The beginning of the year has been quite exciting for the cannabis industry as far as patients go, but a large amount of tine resting research continues to be done towards the future of the industry. With cannabis research being done to show the therapeutic benefits across a range of disorders, diseases and cancers, there are many new headlines showing the massive amount of promise in the industry.

New research has shown that cannabis can be a very effective treatment for pain in elderly patients. The elderly range of over 65 years old has been a very well studies focus group for cannabis patients as they can benefit highly from the use of the substance. A new study conducted with around 900 patients in Israel has shown that the use of high THC strains of cannabis is extremely effective for treating pain. The other finding of the study has concluded that “CBD-rich strains were especially common in patients suffering from pain, chemotherapy side effects, Parkinson’s disease, and inflammatory diseases.” The study also showed that “93.7% of patients reported that cannabis improved their symptoms after six months of use. It was particularly helpful in reducing pain, on average reducing pain from an 8 (on a scale to 10) to a 4. This reduction in pain led 15% to entirely stop their opioid pain medications.” With a massive opioid crisis going on in the U.S. and abroad, the use of cannabis continues to be a much safer alternative for pain reduction.

Cannabis continues to show a massive amount of benefits when compared to the use of opioids. The side effects that most patients see when using cannabis are dry mouth and dizziness. These side effects are usually only reported in around 10% of patients respectively which is a relatively low number. The side effects reported are also incredibly minor when compared to drugs based in opioids. The findings of the study continue to show that the use of cannabis in elderly patients is extremely safe and has a high amount of efficacy for pain reduction.

Another study has helped to report that the use of cannabis may help to slow down the growth of certain neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The study states that “CBD protected against the damaging effects of iron overload on mitochondrial function in rats. CBD didn’t get rid of the excess iron, but instead, enabled the mitochondria to better handle the iron so that it was less disruptive. CBD also prevented iron’s damaging effects on the mitochondrial DNA.” Having too much iron in the body can be detrimental to brain function, so to see these results is extremely promising for the future of cannabis research in regard to the brain. The study also shows that CBD is an extremely promising chemical in the fight against these types of diseases. CBD has been shown to reduce the effect of cardiovascular events, brain injury and damage from alcohol usage.

A new study has also come out showing the massive amount of potential for cannabis to treat and prevent certain types of cancer. Many individuals have been using cannabis to help treat side effects of certain treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy and beyond, but new studies are showing just how effective it can be at treating these effects. A new study has shown that “ CB1 receptors are a primary target of the high-inducing cannabinoid, THC. By activating CB1 receptors, THC could have tumor-suppressing effects. GPR55 is a more recently identified target of CBD. CBD has been shown to block the activity of GPR55 receptors, and therefore, could protect against colorectal cancer by blocking GPR55 activity and suppressing tumor growth.”

The validity of treatment with cannabis for patients across a wide variety of ailments continues to be shown in various research studies throughout the world. The hopes are high that cannabis can continue to prove to be an effective treatment for many different diseases and side effects.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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