Doug Peterson, Nebraska Attorney General, encouraged the people of Nebraska to completely oppose the legalization of recreational cannabis because of concerns for the health of the youth as well as the wellbeing of the entire population. Now that recreational marijuana is legal in Colorado, which is right next to Nebraska, along with three other states, Peterson stated on Tuesday. that there is no doubt that this is not the last we have seen of marijuana commercialization. He believes that the country will be attempting to follow exactly what Colorado has done.

“What would it look like if we just gave in on this battle? That’s concerning to me,’’ said Peterson. “The industry will make billions of dollars, they will do it on the backs of our young people, and we will have to deal with the consequences.’’

Peter yielded these statements during a meeting of law enforcement and public safety officials on Tuesday. Speakers at the Nebraska Drugged Driving Summit announced that driving while impaired has become more and more of a concern. This is the result of less strict marijuana laws as well as more people using legal prescription drugs. Also, almost two dozen other states have approved of medical marijuana to treat pain along with sundry other illnesses.

According to Rose White, of AAA Nebraska, the meeting was set up to spread awareness of the growing part drugs and alcohol play in motor vehicle collisions. The summit had also mentioned newer methods to deal with drivers under the influence. A majority of the meeting was dedicated to concerns with Colorado legalizing recreational marijuana.

During a panel discussion, Peterson stated that he is certain that Colorado’s marijuana laws will have negative externalities for Nebraska. Law enforcement officials are seeing higher rates of marijuana within the state coming from Colorado. This includes edibles infused with the drug. Peterson stated that marijuana in Colorado is much stronger than typical types seen in Nebraska, “creating all kinds of impairment issues.’’

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1 comment
  1. I’ve heard states bordering Colorado complain of the extra enforcement costs of patrolling the border, stopping anything which comes from our general direction in search of those trying to smuggle Cannabis. If they’d just legalize, then they could deal with the impact of weed in their state on their own terms and not worry about illegal traffic through their respective states. Makes for a great income to fill state coffers as well. They could then afford the extra enforcement to police their own citizens and those from elsewhere. 🙂

    As for the worries about kids and pot, we seem to be having less of a problem than we did when cannabis was an illicit market here. Legal pot stores are VERY careful when it comes to minors since they don’t want to lose their license. And the very existence of these shops has pretty much hamstrung the illegal trade which was selling to children in the first place.

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