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Marijuana App Gets the Green Light to be Sold From Apple’s App Store


In what is a sure indicator of throwing in the towel in the world of weed tech. BlazeNow, an app that provides its users the ability to link up via an online interface with legal medical and recreational marijuana shop around the world, has recently gained access to the Apple App store.

BlazeNow, which bills itself as “where cannabis meets convenience,” is not the first of its kind to target a market exhausted with the intrusive nature of Facebook and other mainstream social media platforms for all things dealing with cannabis. With that known its founders have studied a market much in transition and tired to put them selfs in the right spot in such a manner that it is most obvious, and possibly could soon be highly lucrative, revenue stream.

BlazeNow, has also put themselves in a place from the beginning as a competitor to others similarly themed apps, involving MassRoots as well as Weed maps, both of whom have done a great amount of heavy lifting on challenging the regulations front. In the case of the former, the company mounted a similar challenge to Apple’s App Store earlier in the year prior to it going public, itself no mean feat. In the face of the latter, which as well had issues with credit card machines and marijuana shop payments for listing fees in the “good old days” of its genesis, Weed maps made news all over the world back on April 1, 2014, when CBD denied running its ad over TimeSquare.

Yet BlazeNow seems up to task of obtaining a market share in a major and exploding marketplace of legal marijuana consumers and those seeking information on how to become them, as well as businesses looking to reach all of the above. It has 5 revenue streams planned on its slick PR powerpoint, yet the crucial information giving thorough details have not made available the general public.

BlazeNow is also choosing its course through a thicket of intriguing marketing opportunities and placing themselves within the new possibilities opening up via legalization. For example, BlazeNow is plainly trig to place themselves in the erupting marijuana marketing space, which is ready for starlight it is currently developing a perfectly legit outlets on the outside of federally imposed guidelines and dams especial in a mobile world. This a sector full of promise if not good pickings and with much space for a few competitors beginning with age demographic alone.

By J. Phillip

Coming from Miami FL, Jonathan Phillip or (J. Phillip) is a social media marketer and currently head of PR and social media management for When working with clients in various sectors Jonathan will use his expertise and knowledge to make sure the correct audience is viewing and engaging with your content product or service. Jonathan is a self-taught marketer and entrepreneur learning from the best and sharpening his skills with each project.

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