
The studies show that consumers of marijuana tend to make more money, spend more time in the great outdoors, devote more of their time to volunteering and have a generally higher amount of happiness in their lives when compared to people who do not use cannabis. This begs the question, is marijuana the key to happiness?

BDS Analytics released a study titled “Cannabis Consumers are Happier Campers” which is the first of many Cannabis Wellness Trends they released. This trend examines various aspects of the public’s opinion and attitude toward medicinal marijuana and legal cannabis as a whole. The study comprised the results of two-thousand people with twelve-hundred individuals admitting to marijuana use in the past six months.

“Every time we embark on a study of wellness or health, we have preconceived ideas on what we will find.” Linda Gilbert, managing director of BDS Consumer research division, said. Gilbert continued to state that she is shocked at the results and more specifically the way in which people are using the plant.

Looking at a comparison between people who currently do not use cannabis but have no opposition to use, and those who are strictly opposed to the plant, the cannabis consumers tend to rank on average have a higher ranking on a range of indicators relating to personal and social satisfaction.

According to the study, most of the cannabis consumption is not in social settings, rather “the majority of the respondents say they use cannabis for physical, mental and or emotional wellness. It’s not a group of people getting together and getting high.” Gilbert said in an interview. The preconceived notions people have about users of marijuana are outdated and do not present the factual truth: that marijuana users are not just getting high to get high.

Gilbert, a thirty year veteran of health research, wellness, and nutrition, continued to highlight the findings that more women are using cannabis than she anticipated. Women are often thought to be the “gatekeepers of health in most households. And this study suggests that women are embracing cannabis for self-care. Instead of Advil or Alive, women are turning to cannabis for menstrual cramps.” said Gilbert.

Cannabis is no longer reserved for just those looking to get high, marijuana use can be interwoven with a healthy lifestyle and benefits exercise and recreation, community service, and more.

The survey continues to shed light on how the legalization of marijuana has changed the plants usage. Cannabis’ users have benefitted from the new industry as technology such as topicals, beverages, edibles, and vaporization reach increasing levels of popularity.

MAPH Enterprises, LLC | (305) 414-0128 | 1501 Venera Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 |
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